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Published January 26, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Tucson, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

CONTACT: Maritza Felix, Senior Contract Officer PHONE: (520) 837-4107 FY23- Road Recovery- Prop 101 Rehabilitation Package 8 IFB NO. 230067 - Prop 101 Rehabilitation Package 8 SBE/DBE GOAL: 4% All work is to be completed within 180 Consecutive Calendar Contract Days. ROADWAY TREATMENTS 1) Bear Canyon Road: 262N CL Bear Paw Pl (City Limits) to NPI Tanque Verde (Pavement Structural Section No. 1)Mill and Overlay: 2-inch mill, Crack Seal, Tack Coat, 2-inch PAG Asphaltic Concrete (No. 2 PG 76-22 TR+) (Fiber Reinforcement). 2) Sabino Canyon Road: 650N CL Acoma Pl (City Limits) to SPI Acoma Pl and Pantano Road: SPI Broadway Bl to NPI 22nd St (Pavement Structural Section No. 2) Mill and Overlay: 3-inch mill, Crack Seal, Tack Coat, 1/2 inch Asphalt-Rubber Stress Absorbing Membrane, 2.5-inch PAG Asphaltic Concrete (No. 2 PG 76-22 TR+) (Fiber Reinforcement). 3) Camino Seco: SPI Golf Links Rd to NPI Irvington Rd and Bear Canyon Road: Curb Access Ramp Locations and Roadway Widening (Pavement Structural Section No. 3) Full Depth Replacement: Remove remaining AC, AB, and Subgrade up to 8-inch depth, 6-inch rip and recompact subgrade, place 5-inch ABC (per Section 303), 3-inch PAG Asphaltic Concrete (No. 2 PG 76-22 TR+) (Fiber Reinforcement). 4) Broadway Boulevard: 1684E CL Houghton Rd to WPI Tanque Verde Lp and 22nd Street (Melpomene Way Project): 2905E CL Houghton Rd (280E CL Ave Los Reyes) to EPI Melpomene Wy (Pavement Structural Section No. 4) Full Depth Replacement: Pulverize existing section as necessary per profile, no subgrade prep, 4" Blended Material to achieve grade*, 3-inch PAG Asphaltic Concrete (No. 2 PG 76-22 TR+) (Fiber Reinforcement). 5) Melpomene Way (Melpomene Way Project): SPI 22nd St to 154N CL Calle Catalina (City Limits) (Pavement Structural Section No. 5) Full Depth Replacement: Pulverize existing section as necessary per profile, no subgrade prep, 4" Blended Material to achieve grade*, 2.5-inch PAG Asphaltic Concrete (No. 2 PG 76-22 TR+) (Fiber Reinforcement). 6) Pantano Road (Curb Access Ramp Locations) (Pavement Structural Section No. 6) Full Depth Replacement: Remove remaining AC, AB, and Subgrade up to 9-inch depth, 6-inch rip and re-compact subgrade, place 4-inch ABC (per Section 303), 2-inch PAG Asphaltic Concrete (No. 2 PG 76-22 TR+) (Fiber Reinforcement), Tack Coat on milled surface, 1/2 inch Asphalt-Rubber Stress Absorbing Membrane, 2.5-inch PAG Asphaltic Concrete (No. 2 PG 76-22 TR+) (Fiber Reinforcement). *4" Blended Material shall consist of a pulverized mix of existing AB, AC Millings, 0.8 Gal/SY emulsified asphalt, and new AB as needed. ADA improvements including curb access ramps, sidewalk, detectable warning strips, and buckled sidewalk repair are included on the project roadways and are to be constructed at the locations indicated in the project plans.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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