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Published January 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Hamtramck, Michigan. Working plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

**This project has been postponed until the board meeting date of 2/27/2023.** Estimated cost is approximately $1.5M. The Work includes (but not limited to) the following: 1. Demolition of two unused underground mechanical rooms, including removal of existing remedial structural steel shoring, existing paving and an air intake structure on grade above these spaces. Existing construction consists of reinforced concrete foundation walls and roofs with concrete floors. Some existing gas lines must be relocated and direct buried where currently running through these mechanical spaces. 2. A central section of the overall work area includes an air intake and blower room which will be preserved. New construction will include building a concrete enclosure around the entire space, backfilling the areas that had been demolished and creating a new paved plaza area on grade. The plaza will consist of an elevated central section accessed by concrete stairs flanked by raised planters. All surfaces are concrete with a specific jointing pattern. 3. Benches and concrete bollards are proposed as site furnishings. These items are to be considered Questionsmay be directed to PARTNERS in Architecture PLC, 65 Market Street,Mt. Clemens, MI 48043 (Phone: 586-469-3600), attn Joe Valeri (jvaleri@partnersinarch.com). Hamtramck Public Schools will receive si note prime seated bids to Flemish ail labor and materials and perform ail work necessary and demented for the Kosduszto Middle Sohoot Structural Repairs in accordance Wdi published Instructions, specifications, drawings and other contract document..Submit with each hid, a certified check or acceptable bid bond payable to Hamtramck Pubic Schools, in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the total bid. Bids submitted shall felly comply in all respect the these instructions, published specifications, drawings, and contract document. Bid price shall include all all cost associated this project. We bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty {60) days after the date of' the bid opening. The Board reserves the right io reject any or all bids redirect and to waive any forma lilies regard thereto. for addition. fee Board reserves the right to evaluate blds on any basis determined by the Board to be in the best interest to the Board and io consider alternate bids If the low bidders) do not meet fee specifications or are otherwise determined to be <

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2333 Burger St, Hamtramck, MI

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