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Published January 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Blue Earth, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Project Scope: Selective demolition and construction of roof renovations and other work indicated in the specifications. Bidders shall submit their proposal on the forms provided. The Owner reserves the right to hold and consider the bids for 30 days after the date of the bid opening. Bids shall be accompanied by a bidder's bond or certified check payable to Blue Earth Area Schools for not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid including add alternates. A bidders bond shall include a certified copy of the power of attorney. The right to waive any informality in any bid and reject any or all bids, are reserved to the Owner The 2023 reroofing project shall not start before July 1, 2023 and shall be completed prior to August 31, 2023. Reroofing areas will consist of approximately 6,900 square feet of replacement at Blue Earth Area High School and approximately 1,800 square feet at Blue Earth Area Elementary/Middle School, as a bid alternate. o Remove existing roofing material. o Remove metal/ flashings and dispose of. o Replace all saturated insulation; provide an R-30 insulation value, by adding 1" of Isocyanurate. o Install an acceptable manufacture of a 60 mil EPDM roofing material. (Carlisle SynTec System, Firestone Building Products Company, GenCorp Polymer Products) o Flash all curbs/walls and roof drains and other penetrations with lply flashing membrane. o Install 24ga. color coated galvanized sheet metal at all details. Use existing color. o Provide replacement paver blocks at corners. o Add new ballast o Building permits / dumpster permits / disposal costs included in bids. o Performance and Payment Bond and proof of insurance must be submitted to owner within 7 days of awarded contract. o Provide a list of all subcontractors. o Provide a responsible Contractor and Certification of Compliance. o Provide a 2 year contractors warranty. o Provide a 20 year Manufacturers labor and material warranty. o Provide an IC134 prior to final payment of contract. o Material / Equipment / Restroom staging in south gravel parking lot. o No person may smoke or use a tobacco product in any building or on any grounds that is owned by Blue Earth Area Schools. o Water and Electrical will be provided from outside of building. o Trash and debris from roofing project must be policed daily before leaving job site. o Provide contractor, roofing, and sheet metal warranties within 30 days of project completion.




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December 27, 2022

July 1, 2023


1125 US-169, Blue Earth, MN

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