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Published January 30, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and outdoor lighting for a playground / park / athletic field in Frenchburg, Kentucky. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; and for outdoor lighting for a playground / park / athletic field.

As of January 12, 2023, all bids were rejected. Project will rebid but no definite date yet. Sam Swartz Park Athletic Field Improvement Project - Exterior Athletic Lighting System Menifee County Fiscal Court will be accepting bids for the purchase and installation of exterior sports lighting at the Sam Swartz Park in Frenchburg, Kentucky. Menifee County Fiscal Court reserves the right to reject an and all responses, to waive any technicalities, and to negotiate with the respondent who most nearly meets the project requirements. Menifee County Fiscal Court is not responsible or liable for any costs incurred by the consultants replying to this request. Menifee County Fiscal Court is an equal opportunity employer and encourages response from all qualified firms. Kentucky Relay Service for the hearing and speech impaired: 1-800.648.6056. Attention is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed under the contract, Section 3, Segregated Facility, Section 109, Title IV, EO 11246, and 7 CFR 1780.39. Local, minority and female-owned firms are encouraged to respond. The proposed project will upgrade the existing lighting fixtures on the high school athletic field to meet Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) standards and install a new scoreboard. The existing lighting system includes eight undersized wooden poles with traditional lighting technology and overhead utility lines. The poles will be replaced with two 80ft and four 70ft tall galvanized steel poles (according to KHSAA requirements) with buried electrical supply lines. The new poles will be placed in the same location of the existing poles around the field; four poles around the infield, dugout, and bleacher area and two poles in the outfield area. The current lighting will be replaced with Light Emitting Diode (LED) System with Total Light Control technology. Upgrades to the existing lighting at the high school athletic field are needed to meet KHSAA standards as well as provide sufficient lighting for games and practices on the field. The existing facilities are failing, with many lighting fixtures broken or have missing bulbs; however, Menifee County Fiscal Court and the Menifee County Board of Education are not permitted to repair the existing fixtures at the high school athletic field because they are not compliant with KHSAA standards. The current wooden poles that are in place are deemed unsafe due to leaning and having a high maintenance and operation cost. Wooden poles are not recommended by KHSAA standards. Improving the lighting efficiency will lower electricity costs and reduce energy consumption. The current scoreboard is more than 20 years old and requires heavy maintenance, by acquiring a new scoreboard it will save time and money on upkeep. The proposed improvements will also provide the Menifee County Board of Education the opportunity to host tournaments. Menifee County School District is the only school in the 61st district that is unable to host tournaments due to not meeting KHSAA standards. The impacts of being able to host tournaments will encourage economic and community growth with new foot-traffic from other countiestraveling to and from the tournaments. The field is utilized frequently by the Menifee County for up to 40 baseball and softball games each season and practices five nights a week during the season. The installation of park improvements will take place in Spring 2023 to be utilized during the 2023 season.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Outdoor Lighting, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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County Park Rd, Frenchburg, KY

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