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Published February 22, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and addition to a medical facility in New Roads, Louisiana. Completed plans call for the addition of a 2,200-square-foot medical facility; for the demolition of a medical facility; and for site work for a medical facility.

Addition to existing 2,200 sqft Physical Therapy Clinic. Questions about this procedure shall be directed to the Architect at: Bradley - Blewster & Associates, an Architectural Corporation 8026 Picardy Ave. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809 Telephone: (225) 769-7040. Basis of bid to be 250 square foot per ton of HVAC. SCOPE OF WORK A. The work contemplated under this specification comprises the furnishing of all labor and materials required and necessary for the complete electrical installation. B. All work shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the National Electrical Code and all local codes and ordinances. C. Electrical materials shall be new and unused, and shall be listed and labeled for the service intended by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., where such labeling service is available. D. The specifications are intended to describe a complete workable system and bidders shall report any discrepancies or omissions preventing such workability prior to submission of bids. E. The work covered by this specification shall be as indicated on the plans and called for herein, and shall be comprised generally of the following: 1. Removal of existing electrical systems not to be reused. 2. Furnish and install all conduit and wiring, raceways, panels, conductors, disconnects, etc. 3. Furnish and install feeders and branch circuits. 4. Furnish and install service to all mechanical equipment specified under Division 15. 5. Furnish and install service to special equipment provided under other divisions of these specifications. 6. Provide all labor and materials necessary for installation of A/C control wiring. 7. Furnish and install raceway for communications systems. 8. Furnish and install modifications to existing fire alarm system. 9. Furnish and install modifications to existing nurse call system. 10. Furnish and install modifications to existing paging. F. All equipment installed by this contractor shall be installed in strict accordance with instructions of the manufacturer. G. Contractor shall visit the project site prior to bidding to determine existing conditions and assume all responsibility and bear all expenses in allowing for these conditions in the bid. H. The Contractor is referred to the Architectural and Structural details for information in regards to the Architectural details. His work shall be done in strict accordance with local and state ordinances governing this class of work. I. Because of the small scale of the Drawings, it is not possible to indicate all of the offsets, fittings, and accessories required. Contractor shall investigate the structural and finish conditions affecting Division 16 work and shall arrange such work accordingly, furnishing fittings, bends, junction boxes, pull boxes, access panels, and accessories required to meet such conditions. J. Mounting heights of devices and equipment shall be as indicated on the plans or as noted in other sections of the specification. a. Unless indicated otherwise, all mounting heights shall be measured from the finished floor to the centerline of the device. b. Unless indicated otherwise, wiring devices shall be mounted to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): receptacles shall be mounted at 18" AFF and all types of switches shall not be mounted higher than 48" to the CL of the operating mechanism (i. e switch handle or knob). c. Unless indicated otherwise, fire alarm manual initiation devices and fire alarm audio/visual devices shall be mounted to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and NFPA 72.




Public - State/Provincial

Addition, Demolition, Site Work





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2202 False River Dr, New Roads, LA

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