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Published February 9, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Creedmoor, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The work provided by the qualified firm will need to include: review of site issues and concerns with construction plan with City staff representatives and recommended resolution, construction schedule, proposal of cost saving measures, and protection measures for existing site improvements. The qualified firm will prepare accurate construction cost estimates, project scheduling, securing required permits, and construction of project elements. It is understood that the actual building area and design plan could be adjusted due to site factors or costs based upon the recommendations of the contractor and staff approval following the opening of proposals.All questions relative to this project prior to opening of proposals shall be directed to the Recreation Director at chorrigan@cityofcreedmoor.org.The City of Creedmoor reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals or accept, in its judgment, the Proposal which is in the City of Creedmoors best interest. A detailed time-line schedule for the project completion. (All work must be completed by June 5th, 2023) MULTI-SPORT AND EVENT PLAZA Construction of a 42' by 80'concrete slab with welded wire mesh and vapor barrier with surface that will support an acrylic sports-surfacing product. Site preparation to include staking, tree clearing and pruning, excavation, grading, installation of base material and drainage. Installation of in-ground pickle ball post sleeves and basketball standard (both provided by City). Surface preparation of concrete slab for application of acrylic sports surfacing system at a future date (add-on option for contractor). Restoration of any improvements damaged during construction. SIDEWALK REMOVAL AND REALINGMENT Removal and disposal of approximately 170 linear feet of existing 5' wide concrete sidewalk Construction of realigned sidewalk Restoration of any improvements damaged during construction. CURB IMPROVEMENTS Removal and disposal of material necessary to construct driveway curb. Construction of curb and installations of single arm swing access gate. Restoration of any improvements damaged during construction. BID-ALTERNATE 1 (CHAPEL HILL GRIT DRIVEWAY) Cost to install 10' Chapel Hill Grit Driveway over first 100' starting at parking lot curb cut Cost to continue 10' Chapel Hill Grit Driveway over full 250' distance as identified in the Stewart Engineering construction plan. BID-ALTERNATE 2 (LANDSCAPING) Cost to complete post construction landscaping plan around perimeter of court as detailed on page 10 of Exhibit B - Construction Plan by Stewart. BID-ALTERNATE 3 (ACRYLIC SPORTS SURFACING SYSTEM) Application of non-cushioned, acrylic sports surfacing system to approximately 80' by 42' concrete slab (~3,300 sqft). Paint lines for overlapping pickleball court and half-court basketball. The layout of the courts and lines will conform to USA Pickleball (pickleball) and National Federation of State High School Associations (basketball). Colors of the courts and lines to be determined. BID-ALTERNATE 4 (10' BLACK VIYNL FENCING) Installation of 90 linear feet of 9 gauge, 10' tall, black vinyl coated fence at rear of court (behind basketball standard). *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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February 8, 2023

March 10, 2023


108 E Wilton Ave, Creedmoor, NC

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