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Published October 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work for a water / sewer project in Bellingham, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.
As of October 22, 2024, the RFP was for assessment only, no construction as of yet. The Port of Bellingham (Port) is issuing this Request for Professional Services (RFPS) to solicit responses from companies capable of providing support with designing, permitting, bidding building, and all other aspects of the broad consultation necessary for the replacement and/or repair of shoreline infrastructure, including sheet pile bulkhead, timber bulkhead, piling, piers, floats, docks, in water structures and upland improvements. The select firm will develop comprehensive construction plans, specifications, cost estimates, and permit applications for work located at Blaine Harbor, Squalicum Harbor and the Central Waterfront district of Bellingham, WA. The selected firm may also provide construction administration services during construction of the proposed improvements. The work involves demolition and removal of failing structures, construction of new structures and repair to some existing structures. Proposed work at three project locations includes: Blaine Harbor: Demolition, removal and replacement of approximately 320 lineal feet of failing sheet pile wall with a new coated steel sheet pile or composite sheet pile bulkhead wall. Squalicum Harbor: Removal and replacement or repair of piling, pile caps, deck, cross bracing, and floats in multiple wharf sections along Squalicum Way, which serves Bellingham Cold Storage and other Port tenants. Central Waterfront Bulkhead: Demolition and removal of approximately 300 Lineal feet of failing steel "Z-sheet" bulkhead wall and replacement with new coated steel sheet pile or composite sheet pile bulkhead wall. Condition assessments have been prepared for the three (3) locations and are available on the Ports website for this RFPS. Responses should address the following evaluation criteria: 1. Professional qualifications and project experience (50 points possible): Demonstrate relevant and innovative experience with similar projects in the last five years. List projects of similar scale that met local design requirements (e.g. municipal design guidelines, Shoreline Jurisdictions, etc.). Demonstrate familiarity with local, State and Federal codes and permitting requirements applicable for Army Corps of Engineers, WA State Dept. of Ecology, Whatcom County. 2. Project approach (35 points possible): Describe the appropriate process needed to evaluate the existing facilities, plan solutions, and ensure long-term durability. Demonstrate knowledge of the Port of Bellingham, its role in Whatcom County, and its project procedures. 3. References and availability (15 points possible): A. Provide a list of projects of comparable scope completed in Whatcom County. Also provide the reference personnel for these projects who would be available to discuss the performance of the design and your firm. B. Key assigned personnel and professional background. C. Discuss the availability of your consultant team to design and deliver project documents suitable for permitting and construction by March 15, 2024. D. Discuss the availability of your consultant team to provide construction support (assistance with submittal review, Requests for Information, Change Orders, pay estimates etc.) if necessary during the period between April 1 and December 31, 2024. Please direct all inquiries for this RFPS to Alec Strand, Project Manager, at (360) 676-2500 ext. 317 or The Port of Bellingham reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted. The successful service provider will be required to execute the Port of Bellingham's Standard Agreement for Professional Services (attached). The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.
Water / Sewer
Public - City
Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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