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Published January 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in North Platte, Nebraska. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The North Platte Housing Authority ( NPHA) , 900 Autumn Park Dr, North Platte, NE 69101 is requesting bids for lawn care services for 2023-2024 season with the option to renew a contract up to three years. Location of the lawn is at Autumn Park properties at 900 Autumn Park Drive. The contract would start on April 1, 2023. Bids shall be a lump sum for a season. Lawn care on a property on approximately 130,000 square feet. 1. The lawn is among 26 buildings including many sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots. 2. Mowing which includes bagging, trimming, edging, disposal of grass clippings and leaves and other general lawn care is required. No mulching. However, no fertilizer or insect control is required. 3. Weekly mowing will be required during the growing season which includes raking or mowing leaves at least once a week in the Fall until the grounds are clear. 4. Edging must be completed at least once a year in Spring or Early Summer (June). 5. Trimming includes around all sidewalks, porches, and patios (both front and back). Grass trimmings and leaves must be cleared of sidewalks, porches, lawn, and around the buildings, then removed from the property. 6. NPHA prefers the lawn care work to be completed on one scheduled calendar day each week; weather permitting. If the pre-scheduled mowing day is postponed, then the NPHA Maintenance Supervisor must approve the rescheduled mowing day. A two-day advanced notice is preferred. 7. The Contractor will provide all equipment and supplies to perform the work. Please note any exceptions on the bid. 8. This is a smoke-free property and smoking is prohibited on the property. 9. Successful bidder must provide prior to execution of the contract; proof of Commercial General Liability insurance at a minimum of $1,000,000 per occurrence, a completed W9, and other forms required by NPHA and federal and state regulations such as E-Verify Certification, Section 3 Certification and labor hours reporting and Equal Employment Opportunity certification. 10. The contractor or the contractor's employee performing the lawn care work on North Platte Housing Authority (NPHA) property must be paid no less than the Housing and Urban Development's(HUD) designated prevailing wage rate for grounds keeping which is $15.00 per hour. NPHA will notify the Contractor if the Wage Rate Decision changes by HUD in the future. The Bid should include all materials, equipment and labor needed to perform the services as described above. If you have any questions, please contact Seanna Collins at (308) 221-6276. Total annual charge for 2023-2024 Season starting on April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024


Sidewalks / Parking Lot

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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February 17, 2023

April 1, 2023


900 Autumn Park Dr, North Platte, NE

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