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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Chesapeake, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

At any time, the City of Chesapeake Public Works Department may consider projects assigned under this contract to be delivered through a design-build option. If the City of Chesapeake Public Works Department decides to deliver a project through design-build option, the Consultants awarded a contract pursuant to this RFP and any of its team members may not be allowed to participate in ANY subsequent design-build contracts related to that project as determined in the sole discretion of the City. The City of Chesapeake Public Works Department will notify the Consultant(s) awarded a contract pursuant to this RFP if there is a change regarding the City's intended project delivery method in advance of the issuance of an RFP for design-build services. The conflict-of-interest disqualification determination will be made on a case-bycase basis at such time. Schedules, guarantees, bonds, and certificates of inspection which are to be assembled by the contractor in accordance with the final plans, specifications, and contract documents. Inquiries For Information Should Be Directed To: Christine Smittle, Procurement Specialist II, via email only at: All questions must be submitted via e-mail before 5:00 pm, EST, Monday, January 30, 2023. RFP Documents may be examined at the offices of Purchasing Division, located on the 5th Floor, City Hall Building, 306 Cedar Road. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any technicalities in proposals received, and to negotiate and to accept the proposal which shall be in the City's best interest. Contract Award Evaluation Panel/Purchasing Week of March 13, 2023. The selected firms will perform architectural and engineering throughout the year on an "As Needed" basis THE CITY OF CHESAPEAKE RESERVES THE RIGHT AT ALL TIMES TO PERFORM WORK INHOUSE OR TO AWARD PROJECTS ON A SEPERATE PROCUREMENT ACTION. The proposed oneyear limited services term contract with optional three (3) one-year renewable terms will not exceed a maximum value of $10,000,000 per contract term and each project will not exceed a maximum value of $2,500,000. This work is to be accomplished utilizing computerized design and drafting systems compatible with the City of Chesapeake Public Works Department's automated design and drafting systems. Projects will be developed utilizing City of Chesapeake Public Works Department's policies and procedures and City of Chesapeake's Public Facilities Manual as needed. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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March 14, 2023


Multiple Locations, Chesapeake, VA

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