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Published March 14, 2023 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Flat Rock, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.
Rock Spoil from tunnel mining , shaft construction and chambers, including shaft drilling and other drilling, will contain naturally occurring petroleum products and/or Hydrogen Sulfide dissolved i n water or in free gaseous states. This section includes containment and collection of water from stockpiled rock spoil, either on - site or off - sit All inquiries shall be directed to C.E. Raines Company at telephone at 734.285.7510. Work s hall begin on or before April 1,2023 . Time limits for Milestones (if any), Substantial Completion, Final Completion, as stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract.Work shall be substantially completed, in accordance with Paragraph 14.04,General Conditions, on or before October 30, 2023.Work shall be final complete d (completion of restoration and readiness for final payment ) , in accordance with Par agrap h 14.07, General Conditions , on or before November 15 , 2023. A properly completed Bid Bond, Certified Check or Cashier's Check in a sum not less than five (5) percent of the proposed amount of the proposal submitted, shall accompany each proposal a s security for acceptance of the Contract by the low est qualified bidder. Should the Contractor fail to enter into a Contract agreement with the Owner, through no fault of the Owner, he shall forfeit the entire amount of the security to the Owner.Performance, Payment, and Other Bonds. The City of Flat Rock reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, waive any irregularity in any proposal, and make an award of Contract in any manner, deemed in its best interest. Proposals submitted after the exact time specified for receipt shall not be considered. Representatives of the OWNER and ENGINEER will be present to discuss the Project in detail. Prospective bidders are responsible for attending the conference and participating in the di scussion, and shall submit any questions for clarific ation at that time. I nstructions and clar ifications given at the pre - bid conference sha ll be recognized as v alid bidding instructions and sha ll be considered as part of the "Instructions to Bidders". o Remove approx. 550 square feet of existing walk; o Remove approx. 500 square yards of existing pavement; o 3,100 feet of existing water main, 12 inch or less, Flowable Fill; o 250 feet of exist. 12-inch or less, water main, Remove; o Remove (3) existing Gate Valve and Well; o Remove (8) existing Fire Hydrants; o Construct approx. 550 square feet of 4 inch non-reinforced concrete walk, MDOT Grade S1, on 4 inch sand Base; o Construct approx. 125 square yards of 6 inch non-reinforced concrete pavement, MDOT Grade P1, on new 6 inch MDOT 21AA Crushed Limestone Base; o Construct approx. 125 square yards of 8 inch non-reinforced concrete pavement w/integral straight curb, MDOT Grade P1, on new 6 inch MDOT 21AA Crushed Limestone Base. o Construct approx. 50 square yards of 10 inch non-reinforced concrete pavement w/integral straight curb, MDOT Grade P1, on new 9 inch MDOT 21AA Crushed Limestone Base. o Construct approx. 50 square yards of 1/2 inch HMA Wearing Course, 5E10 Super Pave on top of the 10 inch Concrete - (US-24); o Construct approx. 50 square yards of 3 inch HMA Leveling Course, 4E10 Super Pave on top of the 9 inch MDOT 21AA Crushed Limestone Base - (US 24); o Construct approx. 200 square yards of 2 inch HMA Wearing Course, 5E10 Super Pave; o Construct approx. 200 square yards of 4 inch HMA Leveling Course, 4E10 Super Pave on new 9 inch MDOT 21AA Crushed Limestone Base; o Install approx. 125 feet of DI Water main via excavation method, 6 inch in dia.; o Install approx. 450 feet of DI Water main via excavation method, 8 inch in dia.; o Install approx. 825 feet of DI Water main via excavation method, 12 inch in dia.; o Install approx. 200 feet of 8 inch Fusible PVC C900, DR18 via directional Drilling; o Install approx. 3,875 feet of 12 inch Fusible PVC C900, DR18 via directional Drilling; o Install Cofferdam to block the Huron River Flow including dewatering and RipRap along the shoreline; o Install approx. 150 feet of DI Water main via excavation thru the Rock, 12 inch dia.; o Construct (3) 8 inch valve in 5 ft dia. Well; o Construct (7) 12 inch valve in 6 ft dia. Well; o Construct (1) 12 inch valve in 7 ft dia. Well; o Construct (1) 12x12x12 Tapping Sleeve; o Install (11), 2- Storz connections Fire Hydrants & Hydrant Assemblies; o Reconnect approx. (26) water services; o All other related work;
Bid Results
Water / Sewer
Public - City
Paving, Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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Will Carleton Rd, Flat Rock, MI
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