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Published February 1, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Lake Elmo, Minnesota. Conceptual plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; water / sewer project; and water / sewer project.

The County is interested in adding an ADA Accessible Kayak/Canoe Launch at the location of the existing small watercraft launch. As this launch does not have a hard surfaced trail, the County is seeking support from the vendor to design a "footing" for the launch on shore, until a hard surface trail can be constructed. Washington County is issuing this request for proposals (RFP) to select a vendor that can complete site specific designs of the two launches and prepare a quote for each launch. If the quote is approved by the County, a contract would be executed, and the vendor would be asked to furnish and deliver the launches to the sites. The County plans to install the launches using in-house staff, but the County desires to have the selected vendor oversee the overall installation of the launches. It is the County's intent to enter into a contract with the selected vendor to complete data collection (survey and Geotech), site specific designs, and provide construction support. As stated above, it is anticipated that a separate contract will be issues for the launches themselves. Washington County is seeking to add ADA Accessible Kayak/Canoe Launches within two of our County parks. The County shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by the proposer, including but not limited to, expenses associated with the preparation of the proposal. The County reserves the right to issue future RFPs for Kayak Launches even when such services may be available under the proposed contract(s) after contract execution. Additionally, the County reserves the right to solicit Project Estimates from multiple contract holders to determine which vendor can deliver the proposed project in the timeliest and/or most cost-effective manner. Any questions regarding this RFP should be directed via email to andrew.giesen@co.washington.mn.us by 3:00 PM on Friday, February 10, 2023. If a question pertains to a clarification of this RFP, the question and answer will be posted on the County's website. The following lists outline work tasks and associated items that may be included as part of the contracted services: 2.1. Site Specific Designs The County is seeking a vendor that can provide a site-specific design for the two launch locations. To assist with the design, we anticipate that a site visit to each park with the County is needed. We also anticipate that the vendor may need to obtain bathometric survey or geotechnical information if pile-ons are determined to be necessary (within a wake zone, length of dock, etc.). 2.2.Quotes At the completion of the site-specific designs, the vendor shall create a quote for each site. The County will review each quote, and depending on available funding, may elect to move forward with both, one or none of the quotes. 2.3. Construction Support Washington County staff will be responsible to install the launches at each park. During construction, the County is seeking support from the vendor to oversee the overall installation of the launches. Vendors who cannot provide the full range of requested services may submit a proposal, but must clearly note any services listed in this request which would not be provided. Vendors are also encouraged to highlight any services for which they possess particularly notable qualifications. Proposals will be limited to no more than six (6) pages in length, excluding a cover sheet, a cover letter, and appendices. The font shall be no smaller than 11 point, 11x17 pages can be used for maps, exhibits, and/or schedule and will count as a single page. Appendices are anticipated to contain pre-prepared marketing materials or other supporting documents. Reviewers may or may not review material contained in appendices. 3.1. Title Page/Cover Letter to introduce the vendor submitting the proposal, including the name, address, telephone number, and email address of the contact person. 3.2. A description of the proposed project approach and methodology to be utilized and the deliverables to be provided by the responder. 3.3. A detailed description of the responder's background and experience. This should include examples of similar work. Emphasis should be placed on ability and history to successfully deliver projects similar to the County's proposed project. 3.4. A work plan and/or schedule identifying the major tasks to be accomplished. 3.5. The Proposer shall summarize the key elements of their product and provide a discussion as to why the firm should be selected for this project. 3.6. Vendors are encouraged to propose additional tasks or activities if they believe such tasks or activities will substantially improve the results of the project. These proposed additional tasks should be separated from the required material.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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February 24, 2024


Multiple Locations, Lake Elmo, MN

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