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Published February 7, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an elderly care / assisted living facility in Hamilton, Ontario. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 86,000-square-foot, two-story above grade, 141-bed elderly care / assisted living facility.

RFQ for a CCDC 5B to execute a major renovation which will convert a 182 bed retirement and long-term care residence into a 141-bed long-term care home in two phases. ARCH is soliciting interested parties to submit a Request for Qualification (RFQ) for the provision of construction management services. In anticipation of a forthcoming Request for Proposal (RFP), ARCH is requesting details on experience, capability, and capacity from interested Construction Managers (Proponents) to qualify as Construction Manager of the redevelopment of an existing retirement home/long term care home to a 141 bed long term care home in Hamilton, Ontario. The Wellington is combined retirement residence and long-term care home covering approximately 85,000 square feet. The retirement residence wing to the north is three-storeys and the long-term care wing to the south is two-storeys. There is a partial basement which contains shared amenities and back of house services for both wings. The existing building is comprised of 182 resident rooms, 102 within the long-term care wing, and 80 within the retirement residence. The plan is to execute a major renovation which will convert this combined 182 retirement and long-term care residence into a 141-bed long-term care home in two phases. Phase 1: Demolish existing north retirement wing excluding superstructure and exterior façade while ensuring utilities and fire life safety services to south wing are operational. Reconstruct north wing to new long-term care use. Once north wing is operational the existing long-term care residents will be moved from the south wing to the newly renovated north wing. Phase 2: To occur immediately after Phase 1. Demolish existing south long-term care wing excluding superstructure and exterior façade while ensuring utilities and file life safety services to the north wing are operational. Reconstruct the south wing to new long-term care use. Completed project will be approximately 86,000 square feet. Façade and site repairs including landscaping will need to be executed within the two phases.


Elderly Care / Assisted Living


Public - State/Provincial






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February 7, 2023

December 1, 2023


1430 Upper Wellington St, Hamilton, ON

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