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Published September 13, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Columbus, Ohio. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

As of September 13, 2024, a consultant was awarded to provided commission agent services. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: In the subject line, include the project number and name for the RFQ you are responding to. See Section H of this RFQ for additional submittal instructions. Submit all questions regarding this RFQ in writing to Steve Munger at munger.6@osu.edu with the project number included in the subject line (no phone calls please). Questions will be answered and posted to Opportunities page on the OFCC portal on a regular basis until one week before the response deadline. The name of the party submitting a question will not be included on the Q&A document. The Ralph Rogan Equine Performance Evaluation Arena will consist of a new single-story building consisting of a 12,000 SF arena, and a new 4,000 SF clinic. The arena is partially conditioned space relying on radiant gas-heaters , while the clinic is fully conditioned space. The project will sit immediately to the South of the Galbreath Equine Facility and equipment will be served off the HWS/R and CHWS/R loops extending from the Galbreath. The objective of commissioning is to provide documented confirmation that a facility fulfills the functional and performance requirements of the building owner, including but not limited to fundamentals contained within Climate Action Plan, The Ohio State University's Sustainable Design and Construction Policy, and Integrated Energy & Environmental Implementation Strategies. It is the expectation that commissioning for this project will verify document compliance with these criteria throughout construction, start-up, initial operation and seasonal operation. In addition, complete electronic operation and maintenance (O&M) manuals, as well as training on system operations should be provided to the building operators to ensure the building continues to operate as intended. The Commissioning Agent (CxA) will assist in development of the Owner's Project Requirements (OPR) through the construction phase. The University is committed to commissioning this facility to ensure that all systems are well designed, complete and functioning properly upon occupancy and through all seasons, and that staff has adequate system documentation and training. Maximizing energy conservation is a critical component of the design goals to comply with the Sustainable Design and Construction Policy. The CxA will provide a commissioning plan for the project to ensure that the Sustainable Design and Construction Policy requirements of the project are met. The anticipated Building systems to be commissioned include but are not limited to: HVAC equipment and systems, temperature controls, electrical, fire alarm, and plumbing. The CxA will be involved from construction through warranty phase. During construction, the CxA coordinates the execution of a testing plan, which includes observing and documenting all systems' performance to ensure that systems are functioning in accordance with the Owner's objectives and the contract documents. The CxA is not responsible for design or general construction scheduling, cost estimating, or construction management, but it may be necessary to assist with problem solving non-conformance issues and deficiencies. The CxA will be required to provide input on the overall master schedule where they are to perform tasks. This project will also include building enclosure commissioning (BECx). They will be responsible for commissioning the building enclosure to validate that it meets the design intent in the documents and comply with the University's Sustainable Design and Construction Policy. They will review contractors shop drawings and samples that are relevant to the building enclosure for conformance with University and industry standards, as well as observe and comment upon any exterior enclosure mock-ups.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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