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Published February 11, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Edgewood, Kentucky. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
The City of Edgewood is posting a bid on behalf of the cities of Edgewood, Bromley, Crestview Hills, Taylor Mill and Villa Hills who are seeking a qualified entity or individual to provide the goods and/or services described herein. The Cities anticipate selecting one firm to perform the services described in this bid. The cities involved in this bid are requesting companies that have a demonstrated ability to perform the tasks identified in this Invitation to provide a bid. The Cities of Bromley, Crestview Hills, Edgewood, Taylor Mill and Villa Hills located in Kenton County Kentucky are inviting bids for the collection and disposal of residential solid waste and recycling services within each City, which may be considered a franchise for residential recycling and solid waste services by some or all of the Cities.. The following specifications detail the requirements for this contract. There are five (5) Cities jointly involved in this bid process for Solid Waste and Recycling services for their communities. Listed below is their basic demographic information: Population: Bromley - 724 Crestview Hills - 3,246 Edgewood - 8,435 Taylor Mill - 6,885 Villa Hills - 7,331 Estimated Units: Bromley - 409 Crestview Hills - 1,100 Edgewood - 3,200 Taylor Mill - 2,600 Villa Hills - 2,500 Question Submission Deadline:March 17, 2023, 12:00pm No bid or proposal in response to this advertisement for bids shall be considered unless it complies with all of the provisions within the bid instructions. If there are any questions regarding the meaning or intent of any portion of the bid specifications, contract documents, or bid instructions, a written request for interpretation or clarification shall be submitted through the eProcurement platform only. Any interpretation of the bid specifications, contract documents, or bid instructions will be issued only by written addendum reply on the eProcurement platform. Any bidder may withdraw their bid in person and by written request any time prior to the scheduled time for the close of bids. Withdrawal after the scheduled time for the close of bids will not be permitted for a period of sixty (60) days. Each Bidder will be required to submit six (6) separate $50,000 bid bonds, one each made payable to each City listed in the bid. If a contractor is accepted, and contracted with, the bond will be held by each City as surety for the contract. The Bond shall be made payable to each City for $50,000. Bonds shall be held as a guarantee that the contract with lowest evaluated bidder will be duly executed by the Contractor. The Collection rate for the collection and recycling of residential solid waste indicated and bid upon shall include all applicable local, state, and federal fees and taxes and/or any fuel surcharges. The Cities will evaluate and intends to select the lowest and best overall bid proposal that most closely meets the specifications and needs of the Cities. In evaluating proposals, the Cities will consider cost, experience, qualifications, references, and ability to perform the service satisfactorily. Bidders may be required to deliver an oral presentation about their company and field questions from the Cities as part of the evaluation process. It is the intention of all Cities involved in this bid to jointly choose one contractor from this bidding process. All Cities in this bid have an number of similarities in service but some very distinct request for their community. Once the successful bidder is accepted, the contractor will meet with each City designee to discuss their community's service needs and individual requirements. Each City listed in the joint bid retains the right to accept or reject any and all bids. Once a contractor is selected and a City decides to accept the bid a separate contract will be signed by each City separately. If any City chooses to reject the bids and does not enter into a contract with a contractor the winning contractor agrees by submitting their bid to provide the bid fees and services to any and all remaining cities bidding the service. The term of the contract will be for four years beginning July 1, 2023 and ending on June 30, 2027 at 12:00 pm midnight, local time. If the extension is selected at the end of the contract terms the contract will automatically be extended through the length of the extension. The contract for residential waste and recycling services will be between the bidder and each individual City that accepts the bid. No multi-jurisdictional contracts will be utilized, unless it is determined, in the sole discretion of the Cities, to be in the best interests of the Cities involved with this bid.
Residential Subdivision
Public - City
Service, Maintenance and Supply
Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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