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Saving Project...

Published February 7, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Manhattan Beach, California. Design plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

Per the owner, as of February 7, 2024, an award has been made for this solicitation. The owner states that this project is currently in the engineering hydrology and hydraulics phase. When this phase is completed, detailed design will begin. The owner states that it will be approximately one year until design is completed. The owner anticipated that construction will begin in February 2025. Closed solicitation has been included below for reference. ....... Scope of Services: 1) Provide full turnkey oversight of the project. 2) Attend meetings with City staff and their designated representatives. Prepare agendas for all meetings and distribute to City staff and other attendees at least one working-day prior to the scheduled meeting. All meetings will be held in the City's Engineering Office. If holding in-person meetings are not possible due to public health and safety protocol, the Consultant shall schedule and attend virtual project meetings on a virtual platform of the City choice (e.g., Zoom). Consultant hall update City staff at each progress meeting on the status of the project scope, schedule and budget. Consultant's Project Manager and other key staff (as determined by Consultant) shall assume attendance at the following meetings: a. Kick-off Meeting - An initial kick-off meeting to be scheduled within one week of receiving a Notice to Proceed. Prepare an initial preliminary and final design schedule for discussion with City staff at the project kick-off meeting. b. Monthly Progress Meetings - Subsequent monthly progress meetings (assume seven monthly meetings excluding the kick-off meeting) for the duration of the project. Update the schedule originally presented at the kick-off meeting prior to each monthly meeting and discuss the current project status at those meetings; c. Community Meetings - Two Community Meetings scheduled as part of Public Outreach activities. d. Pre-Bid Meeting - Two Pre-bid meetings prior to construction; and e. City Council Meeting - If requested by City staff, Consultant shall attend one City Council meeting to present the project. 3) Prepare meeting notes for all meetings and distribute Draft copies for City staff review within five calendar days of the meeting date and allow seven calendar days for attendee to provide comments, if any. Incorporate appropriate comments received and finalize and distribute notes to all meeting attendees within five calendar days of receipt of comments. 4) Provide independent in-house quality control assurance/quality control (QA/QC) review of work products prior to submitting all interim and final deliverables to the City. Provide a constructability review prior to submitting 100% plans to the City. Provide City staff with written documentation of completion of the required QA/QC reviews. 5) Coordinate with other agencies, utilities and affected property owners related to this project as required to facilitate successful completion of required project tasks. The Peck Avenue Storm Drain Improvement Project was proposed with the 2021 Storm Drain Master Plan to mitigate flooding conditions for a number of properties, increase capacity for storm drain laterals as well as improve emergency services and maintenance access. Currently, there is no continuous storm drain system on 21st Street between Meadows Ave and Peck Ave. Surface water is collected along the existing curbs and gutters on both sides of the street, traveling from west to east into existing catch basins and then into an existing 24" RCP beginning 150' west of Peck Ave and 21st St. The existing 24" RCP further ties to an existing 42" RCP storm drain line in Herrin Avenue that connects to a 63" RCP, which then drains into Polliwog Park to the south. Polliwog Park acts as a retention basin and is operated by the County of Los Angeles. The existing drainage conditions for 21st Street from Meadows Avenue to Herrin Avenue reflect a general flow of surface water in a north-easterly direction with four existing catch basins on 21st Street. As proposed in the 2021 SDMP, the new storm drain line will connect to the existing storm drain line in 21st Street, or possibly a junction located at or in the vicinity of Herrin Avenue and 21 st Street intersection. The project consists of design, hydrology and hydraulic analysis, utility research, design survey, environmental clearance, geotechnical investigation, pavement rehabilitation, utility coordination, agency coordination, post design services (pre-bid meeting attendance and response to RFI's). Online Q&A Yes Q&A Deadline 03/08/2023 12:00 PM (PST) Response Types Cost File Response File Subcontractor Appendix B - Non-Collusion Affidavit (required) Appendix C - Consultant's Acknowledgment of Compliance (required) Appendix D - Certificate of Proposal (required) Sample Work Projects (required) Pre-Bid Meeting - No Bid Valid 120 Days Liquidated Damages N/A Estimated Bid Value Start/Delivery Date June/July 2023 Project Duration 1 year The Method of Contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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February 10, 2025


Multiple Locations, Manhattan Beach, CA

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Peck Avenue Storm Drain Infrastructure Improvement Project and Future Storm Drain Improvement Projects - City of Manhattan Beach

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