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Saving Project...

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Simsbury, Connecticut. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

If a bidder finds any omission, discrepancy or error in, has questions concerning, or seeks an exception to anything in the documents constituting this Invitation, it should notify the Town as soon as possible and in no event later than five (5) business days before the date of the bid opening. The bidder must direct that inquiry to: Adam Kessler, email address: akessler@simsbury- The scope of this project is described more particularly in the Invitation for Bid that is a part of this bid package. The location, general characteristics and principal details of the work are indicated on drawings in the plan set prepared by GM2 Associates, Inc., titled Preservation of Bridge No. 04549 and Bridge No. 04550, dated September 1, 2022. This contract is subject to state contract compliance requirements, including set-aside (25% SBE and 6.25% M/W/DisBE) and non-discrimination requirements enforced by the CHRO. Preservation of Bridge No. 04549 and Bridge No. 04550 Simsbury, Connecticut This project includes clearing and grubbing, grading, water handling, cut existing bituminous concrete, paving, repairing and patching bridge and abutments, install riprap, install curb, install metal beam rail, and restore turf at both bridge locations. Bid Results Lump Sum Bridge No. 04549 (SITE NO. 1) New England Infrastructure, Inc - $652000 Lump Sum Bridge No. 04550 (SITE NO. 2) New England Infrastructure, Inc - $434000

Bid Results

Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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March 28, 2023

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Multiple Locations, Simsbury, CT

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