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Published February 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Griffin, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) PROFESSIONAL ON-CALL AIRPORT ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURAL & CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION/ADMINISTRATION CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR GRIFFIN-SPALDING COUNTY AIRPORT, GRIFFIN, GA The Griffin-Spalding County Airport Authority is seeking a qualified aviation consulting firm to provide professional on-call engineering, architectural and construction inspection/administration services, including, but not limited to, geotechnical/subsurface investigations and topographic surveying, preliminary and final design, and bidding, at the Griffin-Spalding County Airport in Griffin, Georgia. It is the intent of the Griffin-Spalding County Airport Authority to enter into a Master Agreement with a consultant for the upcoming five (5) year period. The selected consultant will negotiate and enter into individual work authorizations/task orders for services based on the scope of work, with the Griffin-Spalding County Airport Authority on an assignment-by-assignment basis during the term of the Master Agreement. The services are limited to projects that the Griffin-Spalding County Airport Authority expects to initiate within five (5) years of the effective date of the Master Agreement. A list of the anticipated projects for the five (5) period is attached. It is noted that some services may not be required. The Griffin-Spalding County Airport Authority reserves the right to initiate additional procurement actions for projects and work items included in the initial procurement. The selection of the consultant will comply with 49 USC 47107(a) (17), 2 CFR200.320, and FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-14 Architectural, Engineering, and Planning Consultant Services for Airport Grant Projects, and applicable Georgia statutes and laws, as amended. Responding firms/teams must possess a current pre-qualification by the Georgia Department of Transportation in Area CLASSes No. 1.08 Airport Master Planning and No. 2.09 Aviation. The consultant and any subconsultants proposed shall not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) utilization is required for federally funded projects over $250,000. The DBE goal for FY 2023 is TBD %. Proposed DBE firms are to be certified by the Georgia Uniform Certification Program. The consultant shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of all Federally-assisted contracts. Failure by the Consultant to carry out these requirements is a material breach of the contract, which may result in the termination of the contract or such other remedy as the Griffin-Spalding County Airport Authority deems appropriate. The Griffin-Spalding County Airport Authority reserves the right to reject any submissions to this RFQ, request clarification, or waive informalities/technicalities if they are deemed in the best interest of the Griffin-Spalding County Airport Authority. The Griffin-Spalding County Airport Authority is not liable for any costs incurred by the consultant in the preparation or presentation of a response to this request. Scope of Services-Design/Engineering/Construction The scope of work to be included in the Master Agreement may include, but is not limited to, the following: a. Prepare Project Funding Applications and Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Documents. b. Perform Design, Bidding and Negotiation, Construction Administration, and Resident Inspection Services. c. Assist with DBE Program Overall Goal Updates / Program Administration. d. Construct/Rehabilitate Airfield Drainage Systems. e. Construct/Rehabilitate Airfield Pavement, Lighting, and NAVAIDs/ILS Improvements. f. Construct/Rehabilitate Airport Buildings (Terminal / Hangars / Maintenance). g. Construct/Rehabilitate Airport Roadways and Parking Lots. h. Install/Upgrade Airport Fencing and Security Systems. i. Obstruction Removal j. Improve Runway/Taxiway Safety Areas/Object Free Areas k. Land Acquisition l. Such other airport-related engineering work as the Griffin-Spalding County Airport Authority may deem necessary. Projects are limited to those in the attached project list and may be accomplished over multiple years, task orders, and Federal and State grants. Projects or work elements not included in this list or agreement may require additional procurement actions to ensure compliance with Federal and State requirements and to ensure qualification of staffing for specialized tasks. The addition of a similar project or work element without additional procurement action requires the Georgia Department of Transportation's written approval of the Griffin-Spalding County Airport Authority request and justification to forego a separate procurement action. Submission Requirements Required information is to be presented in a manner that clearly illustrates the following: 1. Team Description/Background: A general description of the submitting firm, including firm size, and general information regarding all sub-consultant firms on the team. 2. Organizational Chart: Include clear illustration as to the Project Manager and key personnel representing the primary firm. 3. Resumes: Include for key personnel. Indicate each individual's qualifications and experience. 4. Relevant Experience: Qualifications and experience of the primary firm and subconsultants in the past five (5) years at general aviation airports similar in nature to the Griffin-Spalding County Airport. 5. Proximity to the Griffin-Spalding County Airport: Geographical location of the office that will be primarily responsible for assigned projects and where the work will be accomplished, as well as the location of any supporting offices that will likely be involved in this contract. 6. References: Contact name, agency name, and telephone number of at least three (3) current airport clients of the primary firm. 7. Regulatory Familiarity: Demonstrate familiarity with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and State Aviation Programs. 8. Workload: Provide a brief summary of the primary firm's current workload and ability to meet schedules and deadlines. Selection Process Qualifications will be reviewed and evaluated by a Selection Committee based on the criteria listed herein. At the discretion of the Selection Committee, consultants may or may not be invited to participate in an interview. Interviews, if conducted, may be conducted via phone, informal and/or formal in-person and a short list of Consultants selected for an interview shall be notified at least seven days prior to the interview date. All unsuccessful firms will be notified in writing no later than five days after the selection and contracting process is completed. Submittal All interested parties should submit three (3) copies of the Statement of Qualifications, which shall contain no more than thirty (30) pages, excluding tabs and a cover letter.The Griffin-Spalding County Airport Authority shall assume no responsibility for responses that are received after the deadline or submittals that are not properly addressed or identified. Responding firms shall have no contact related to this solicitation with Griffin-Spalding County Airport Authority elected or appointed officials, members of the Griffin-Spalding County Airport Authority Selection Committee, or Airport employees during this Statement of Qualifications process. Any such contact will subject the firm to immediate disqualification for consideration for this project. Contact may only be made to the designated point of contact for this RFQ listed above. This is a Request for Qualifications only. In accordance with FAA selection procedures, all selections should be qualification based. No overhead rate, fees, or any cost information should be identified as part of this submission. All questions regarding this RFQ should be made prior to the submittal and addressed to the RFQ point of contact: Griffin-Spalding County Airport Authority Chairman Dr. Randall Peters 1035 S. Hill Street, Griffin, GA 30224 The deadline for questions is 4:OO PM EST, March 3rd, 2023. Responses to questions will be provided by 5:00 PM EST, March 6th, 2023. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time
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