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Published April 25, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Dalton, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

**As of April 25,2023, project was awarded to Carpet Express, awarded amount is $198,058.88.** This project is for the replacement of carpet with carpet tile and LVP flooring at various Dalton Public School locations. Dalton Public Schools invites you to bid to provide carpet and LVP replacement for areas of Dalton Jr High School (DJH) 1250 Cross Plains Trail, Dalton, GA. 30721 and Ft Hill (FH), 104 Ft Hill Terrace, Dalton Ga 30721. Bid prices quoted shall remain effective until December 31, 2023. The prices in this bid supersede any other quote given to Dalton Public Schools to date on the same items. Bids must be submitted based on the carpet tile, rubber base, glue, etc. delivered and installed inside the building, any and all assemblies, and placement in the correct classroom or specified location. Bids will be opened at the Maintenance and Operations Building Conference Room located at 412 S. Hamilton St., P.O. Box 1408, Dalton, Georgia 30722-1408 Bidders are required to use the enclosed specifications forms. They are instructed to read carefully all items, conditions and specifications in this letter and the attached pages before completing their bid. Dalton Public Schools reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, and to waive any irregularity in bids received to award the entire bid to one vendor or to make awards by groups or line items, whichever is in the best interest of the school district Any questions concerning this bid may be forwarded to: rusty.lount@dalton.k12.ga.us Your interest and participation are solicited and appreciated Items will not need to be received on site before May 30, 2023. All items must be installed by June 30, 2023. Color photo and complete description to accompany each item bid other than example. URL for manufacturer website for product listed that is different from example. Location where sample can be viewed within 30 miles of Dalton, GA, or sample provided to Dalton Public Schools at vendor cost (and returned at vendor cost) if sample is not in use within 30 miles of 412 S. Hamilton St., Dalton, GA. Units shipped to be installed at Dalton Junior High (DJH) 1250 Cross Plains Trail, Dalton Ga, 30721 and Fort Hill (FH) 104 Fort Hill Terrace, Dalton Ga 30721 Project materials will be accepted no earlier than May 30, 2023, and must be installed by June 30, 2023. Price to be effective until December 31, 2023. Bid to remain open for additional carpet tile, base board, glue, etc. install work at Dalton Public School as need until December 31, 2023. Price quoted supersedes any other quote given to DPS to date on same items.




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Multiple Locations, Dalton, GA

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