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Published June 7, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and outdoor lighting for a mixed-use development in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility; for outdoor lighting for a transportation facility; for paving for a transportation facility; and water / sewer project.

AIP 3-19-0072-019-2024 Est. Value: $ 809,620.00 Division 1 - Site Work: Mobilization and Miscellaneous - LUMP SUM; Traffic Control - LUMP SUM; Unclassified Excavation - 76 CY; Subbase Coarse (Granular) 12" thick - 136 SY; Storm Sewer, Trenched, RCP Class V, 12" - 56 LF; PCC Pavement (8" Thick Continuous Reinforcement) - 114 SY Division 2 - Fueling System: Mobilization and Miscellaneous - LUMP SUM; 4,000 Gallon Aboveground Storage Tanks - 2 EA; Aviation Fueling Equipment - 2 EA; Aviation Fuel Piping - 75 LF; Card Reader Terminal - 1 EA; Tank Monitoring Panel w/ Automatic Tank Gauging Level Probes, Interstitial Sensors - 1 EA; Electric Work for Fueling System: Grounding Ring for Tank Area, Bonding Equipment and Piping, Light Pole & Fixture Providing Breakers, Conduit, Wiring, Etc. - 1 EA. Guarantees will be required with each bid as follows: Each bidder must deposit with his bid, in a separate sealed envelope, a certified check or cashier's check, drawn on a solvent state or national bank, or a certified share draft drawn on a credit union in Iowa or chartered under the laws of the United States, and shall be in an amount equal to 5% of his bid, and made payable to the Oskaloosa Municipal Airport Commission, Oskaloosa, Iowa as security that if awarded the contract by resolution of the Oskaloosa Municipal Airport Commission, Oskaloosa, Iowa, he will enter into a contract at the prices bid and will furnish the required performance and payment bonds. A bid bond will be acceptable in lieu of a certified check, cashier's check, or a certified share draft. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, each in an amount equal to 100 percent of the contract price. Said bonds to be issued by a responsible Surety acceptable to the Oskaloosa Municipal Airport Commission and shall guarantee that the Principal shall promptly make payment to all persons, firms, subcontractors, and corporations furnishing materials for or performing labor in the prosecution of the work stated and the faithful performance of the contract and the terms and conditions therein contained and the guarantee and maintenance of said facilities in good repair and working conditions for not less than one (1) year from the time of acceptance of such improvements by the Oskaloosa Airport Commission. If the wage rate determination of the Department of Labor incorporated in the advertised specifications does not include rates for the requested classification listed below, the bidder is responsible for ascertaining the rate payable for such classifications and whether area practice requires their use in accomplishing the work. No inference concerning area practice is to be drawn from their omission. Further, the omission will not, per se, establish any liability for increased labor costs resulting from the use of such classifications. Division 1 - within 30 working days; NOTICE TO PROCEED will be issued no later than September 1, 2024. Division 2 - on or before May 31, 2025. The Oskaloosa Municipal Airport Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive irregularities not affecting their competitive conditions. Also reserved is the right to accept or reject individual groups. Custom Bid Result Division 1: Site Work Evora Energy 82,281 Division 2: Fueling System Evora Energy 676,349


Transportation Terminals


Public - City

Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Site Work





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2793 Oskaloosa Rd, Oskaloosa, IA

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