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Published April 20, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; road / highway; and road / highway.

General Nature of Improvement. The work generally consists of the following: Clearing and Grubbing - Lump Sum; Excavation, Class 10 - 330 CY; Subgrade Preparation - 1,205 SY; Subbase, Special Backfill, 6" Thick - 1,205 SY; Trench Foundation - 150 TON; Replacement of Unsuitable Backfill Material - 150 CY; Trench Compaction Testing - Sanitary Sewer & Storm Sewer - Lump Sum; Sanitary Sewer Gravity Main, Trenched, PVC or Truss, 8" - 20 LF; Sanitary Sewer Gravity Main, Trenched, PVC, 18" - 338 LF; Sanitary Sewer Gravity Main, Trenched, PVC, 24" - 851 LF; Sanitary Sewer Service Stub, PVC, 4" or 6" - 100 LF; Sanitary Sewer Cleanout, PVC, 4" or 6" - 1 EA; Sanitary Sewer Abandonment - Fill and Plug, 24" - 75 LF; Storm Sewer, Trenched, RCP or PP, 12" - 22 LF; Storm Sewer, Trenched, RCP or PP, 15" - 15 LF; Storm Sewer, Trenched, RCP, 15" - 40 LF; Storm Sewer, Trenched, RCP or PP, 30" - 330 LF; Storm Sewer, Trenched, RCP, 36" - 32 LF; Storm Sewer, Trenched, RCP or PP, 42" - 160 LF; Removal of Storm Sewer, All Types, =18" - 122 LF; Storm Sewer Abandonment - Fill and Plug, 30" - 110 LF; Storm Sewer Abandonment - Fill and Plug, 36" - 32 LF; Pipe Culvert, Trenched, RCP or PP, 12" - 16 LF; Pipe Apron, RCP, 15" - 1 EA; Pipe Apron, RCP, 42" - 1 EA; Pipe Apron Guard, 15" - 1 EA; Storm Sewer Service Stub, PVC SDR 23.5, 4" - 28 LF; Lower/Relocate Existing Water Main - 1 EA; Restrained End Caps, 4" - 2 EA; Manhole Type SW-301, 48" Dia. - 4 EA; Manhole Type SW-301, 60" Dia. - 1 EA; Manhole Type SW-401, 60" Dia. - 1 EA; Manhole Type SW-401, 72" Dia. - 3 EA; Intake Type SW-501 - 2 EA; Intake Type SW-512 (Case 1 w/ 24" Riser) - 2 EA; Intake Type SW-513, 4'x4' - 1 EA; External Drop Connection, DIP, 8" - 1 EA; Remove Manhole - 7 EA; Remove Intake - 6 EA; Pavement, PCC, 7" Thick - 1,041 SY; PCC Pavement Samples and Testing - Lump Sum; Removal of Sidewalk - 70 SY; Removal of Driveway - 68 SY; Sidewalk, PCC, 4" Thick - 52 SY; Sidewalk, PCC, 6" Thick - 14 SY; Detectable Warnings - 24 SF; Driveway, Paved, PCC, 6" Thick - 140 SY; Pavement Removal - 960 SY; Type B Granular Shoulder - 45 TON; Temporary Traffic Control - Lump Sum; Conventional or Hydraulic Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching - Lump Sum; SWPPP Preparation - Lump Sum; SWPPP Management - Lump Sum; Temporary RECP, Type 3.B (Extended Term) - 1,750 SY; Rip-Rap, Class D - 200 TON; Silt Fence - 500 LF; Silt Fence, Removal of Sediment - 500 LF; Silt Fence, Removal of Device - 500 LF; and Mobilization - Lump Sum. Each bidder shall accompany its bid with bid security as security that the successful bidder will enter into a contract for the work bid upon and will furnish after the award of contract a corporate surety bond, in form acceptable to the City, for the faithful performance of the contract, in an amount equal to one hundred percent of the amount of the contract. The bidder's security shall be in the amount fixed in the Instruction to Bidders and shall be in the form of a cashier's check, a certified check, or a bank money order drawn on a FDIC insured bank in Iowa or on a FDIC insured bank. The City of Oskaloosa hereby reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities and irregularities and to enter into such contract as it may deem to be for the best interest of the City of Oskaloosa. A bidder shall not withdraw its proposal for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the date designated for opening of proposals. The work under the proposed contract shall be fully completed and ready for final payment no later than November 17, 2023. It is anticipated that the Notice to Proceed will be issued by May 30, 2023 Liquidated damages in the amount of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00) per calendar day will be assessed for each day that the work shall remain uncompleted after the end of the contract period with due allowance for extension of contract period due to conditions beyond the control of the Contractor.

Bid Results

Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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April 18, 2023

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Multiple Locations, Oskaloosa, IA

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