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Published June 20, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, paving and new construction of a civil project in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the demolition of a bridge / tunnel; for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

As of June 15, 2023, project was awarded to DESCCO Design , awarded amount is $ 249,106.20. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check, bank cashier's check, trust company treasurer's check or bid bond (in the required form) for ten percent (10%) of the bid total. The project includes, but is not limited to, removal and replacement of a superstructure section of the Halfway Drive bridge over Tulpehocken Creek. The existing four (4) supporting W18X50 steel I-beams and associated deck, abutment, and other structural sections of the bridge superstructure will be replaced with three (3) W18X71 I-beams and associated concrete deck section, abutments, and supporting structural elements. The scope of work also includes the removal and replacement of existing guiderail, road surface restoration, erosion and sediment pollution controls, and other associated work as more fully described on the Construction Drawings. Prevailing wage rates and record-keeping procedures established by Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry shall apply to the project. North Lebanon Township hereby reserves the right, which is understood and agreed to by all bidders, to reject any and all bids and to waive any omissions, errors, mistakes, defects or irregularities in any bid at its sole discretion. Clarification Deadline: 4/10/2023 10:00 AM


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Demolition, New Construction, Paving, Site Work





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Halfway Dr, Lebanon, PA

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Halfway Drive Bridge Partial Superstructure Replacement

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