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Published July 20, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Oxbow, Saskatchewan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The Town of Oxbow invites qualified and experienced contractors to submit a quote for the provision of Roof Repair Services for the Municipal Office Building which shall include the supply of all materials, labour and equipment necessary to conduct the work. The Town of Oxbow is seeking a qualified and experienced to perform the following: Inspect the interior and exterior existing roof system and make recommendations for the repairs. Address previously identified areas of concern as follows: In the west portion of the building, the top chord of the roof rafters are deflected approximately 4"-5" at the mid-point from the peak to eave; Various king-post members of the built-up rafters are showing signs of separation; Attic space throughout the building is unvented; Sheet metal roofing material directly above the southwest office that was patched has separated; Various roof flashing and eavestroughing lengths are bent or unfastened on the eave and along the front parapet; An existing furnace exhaust vent on the north side of the building had become out-of-plumb; Wood structures for the roof top condensers have started to fail. Supply and install all materials required to perform the work. Apply for any permits required to perform the work. Remove and dispose of any all materials used in relation to the work being performed. Provide a timeline for the work being performed. The Town of Oxbow will not make any payments for the preparation of a response to this Request for Quote. All costs incurred by the proponents will be borne by the proponent. The Town of Oxbow does not bind itself to accept the lowest price, or any quote submitted. The Town of Oxbow reserves the right to cancel this Request for Quote at any time and to reissue for any reason whatsoever, without incurring and liability and no proponent will have any claim against the Town as a result of the cancellation of reissuing of the Request for Quote. The Town of Oxbow will not be responsible for any proposal that is delivered to any address other than that provided in Section B. If a contract is awarded as a result of the Request for Quote, it will be awarded to the proponent whose quote, is in the Town's opinion, provided the best potential value to the Town and is capable in all respects to perform fully the requirements with the integrity and reliability to assure performance of the obligations. Proponents may not amend their quote after the closing date and time but may withdraw their quote at any time prior to the acceptance by the Town in writing. Quotes will be evaluated as soon as practicable after the closing time. The quote, accompanying documentation, and any project reports, drawings, etc. submitted by the proponents are the property of the Town and will not be returned.




Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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