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Renovation of a water / sewer project in Jefferson, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

As of 05/02/2023 No schedule yet, other than starting sometime in July and completing by October As of 04/10/2023 This will go to the Council tomorrow night. Sewer pipe lining and sewer manhole rehabilitation: The contract consists of the following approximate quantities: Sewer Lining (2,000 lineal feet) and Manhole Rehabilitation (18 each). Additional Description: Bidders must be pre-qualified with the City of Jefferson within the last year or must be pre-qualified for this work 5 days prior to the bid deadline in accordance with Section 66.0901 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Each bidder must deposit, with his bid, security in the amount of 5% of the maximum bid amount. Bidders must be experienced in municipal pipeline construction. The City of Jefferson reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive informalities in any bid. All the materials and equipment necessary for the construction of this project shall be obtained, transported, stored, and handled in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, this section, and individual sections of the specifications dealing with specific parts of the project. At minimum, comply with specified requirements and reference standards. All products shall be new products purchased specifically for this project. B. Specified products define standard of quality, type, function, dimension, appearance, and performance required. C. Furnish products of qualified manufacturers that are suitable for intended use. Furnish products of each type by single manufacturer unless specified otherwise. Confirm that manufacturer's production capacity can provide sufficient product, on time, to meet Project requirements. D. All equipment shall comply with the National Electric Code. E. In order that repair, replacement, or expansion of this project in the future may be facilitated, the source of all materials and equipment should be nearby, of domestic origin, and maintain a ready stock. F. Domestic Products: Where domestic products are specified, this shall be interpreted to mean products mined, manufactured, fabricated, or produced in United States or its territories. G. Do not use materials and equipment removed from existing premises except as specifically permitted by Contract Documents.


Water / Sewer


Public - City





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March 24, 2023

July 3, 2023


Multiple Locations, Jefferson, WI

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