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Published May 29, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Please submit a contract purchase order to supply various electrical supplies ordered on an "As needed basis" covering a one (1) year period ("Initial term") effective JUNE 1, 2023 THROUGH MAY 31, 2024, with an option to renew for up to three (3) additional one (1) year terms. The "Renewal term" is exercisable, at pgw's sole discretion, as of the expiration of the initial term or current "Renewal term". ANY QUESTIONS OR REQUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION REGARDING THIS RFQ AND THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA PGW.PROCUREWARE.COM NO LATER THAN 2:00 PM EST ON THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2023. CLARIFICATION DEADLINE 3/15/2023 2:00 PM Please note that PGW is eligible to participate in costars, NJPA, omnia partners, naspo and/or state/city of philadelphia contract pricing. Please include the contract number on your RFQ if applicable. Bidders are requested to quote the following: Payment terms: net 30 days, freight: paid, f.O.B.: destination. All prices quoted must remain firm for the initial term of the contract purchase order. Vendor shall provide pricing in accordance with the specification and pricing structure set forth in the request for quote (RFQ) #35066. The items listed represent typical items to be purchased on this contract. The items listed in the rfq will be used to determine overall pricing and award information. Items to be purchased are not limited to those listed. The usage quantities listed are only estimates taken from past order history. This does not constitute a firm commitment to purchase this quantity during the period of the contract purchase order. Actual usage may exceed or fail to exceed estimates. Price increases/decrease requirements: All prices quoted must remain firm for the initial term of the contract purchase order. For the initial term of 1 year; thereafter, prices may be increased for each subsequent (1) year period throughout the duration of the contract, which may be renewed under the terms and conditions of this agreement at the sole option of philadelphia gas works (pgw) on an annual basis for up to three (3) additional one (1) year term(s). Vendor may increase prices for the future renewal periods provided that: Notice of price increases must be received, in writing, by pgw at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration of the current term for price increase to be effective as of the first day of the renewal term. Price increase letter must include a copy of the manufacturer's letter and/or industry bulletin. The price increase letter shall be sent to nia.Pearson@pgworks.Com, referencing rfq#, blanket or contract #, contract term, and showing item(s) description and applicable pricing. Pgw reserves the right to review the propriety of the price increase and cancel the contract at its discretion. Failure to notify PGW within the fifteen (15) day timeframe shall result in the following: If the letter is received before the last day of the contract term, the effective date of the price increase shall be fifteen (15) days from receipt of the price increase letter received by pgw or, if the letter is not received before the last day of the current term, the prices for the renewal term shall be the same as the previous term. In no event shall the price increase exceed 5% in any renewal term. The increase shall reflect the change to the cpi or the 5% cap, whichever is less. Note: price decreases may be forwarded to the supply chain department buyer, in writing, at any time during the contract term, to include any renewal period(s). Once the contract agreement is awarded, the awarded vendor must adhere to what has been quoted or this could cause the order to be subject to cancellation. If you are a certified minority, woman, veteran, or disabled owned business, when submitting your bid response, please be sure to include a copy of your most current certification for verification purposes. Additional notes: The basis of award for the successful vendor shall result in one (1) contract purchase order based on lowest, responsive, & responsible bidder. Any contract purchase order resulting from this request for quotation is subject to cancellation by pgw upon thirty (30) days written notice. Any bidder that has had a purchase order with PGW terminated during the previous three (3) years due to breach or default may be deemed non-responsive and not qualified for this RFQ. The successful bidders must remit all invoices electronically to appoinvoices@pgworks.Com for electronic payment. For assistance or questions regarding invoicing, please contact pgw accounts payable at 215-684-6980.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Philadelphia, PA

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