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Published November 16, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The Town of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts is seeking to construct a fiber to the home network (FTTx) that will provide the underserved residents of the town multiple offerings of the latest high speed broadband services including telephone, symmetrical internet, and TV services. The Phase 2 proposed fiber network will include approximately 157 miles of single mode aerial and/or underground fiber optic cable originating in the Town of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. Bid prices shall include all labor, materials, supervision, reporting, consumable material and project management costs necessary to complete the project as detailed in the Construction Bid Specifications and design drawings provided by the Owner as a complete and fully operating network system. The proposed FOC network Scope of Work construction tasks required by the owner's program consist of, but not limited to, Feeder Fiber Lateral Installation, Distribution Fiber Lateral Installation, FOC Splicing & FOC Bi-Directional testing. The Owner shall install Signal Splitter Cabinet Location(s) with which the "Node(s)" are geographically determined for subscriber coverage. Bid invitations shall contain additional exhibits in which the designated areas shown below are grouped and unit quantities are further defined The Shrewsbury Electric and Cable Operations department, a Massachusetts municipal light plant, cable television and internet access provider of the Town of Shrewsbury , invites sealed bids from qualified contractors for the following project: Fiber to the Premises (FTTP) Network Upgrade within a designated node, Phase 2 . A description and details of the Project are provided in the complete Invitation for Bids packet. Filed sub-bids are not required for this Project.




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To Be Determined, Shrewsbury, MA

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