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Published March 19, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Naperville, Illinois. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

SCOPE OF WORK 1. The Contractor shall furnish all supervision, labor, tools, equipment, and transportation to trim and/or remove trees, brush, or other vegetation interfering with the Owner's facilities. 2. Ground clearing around the Owner's facilities relating to transmission lines, pad mount electrical equipment, utility poles, rear lot/parkway tree removals, and general land clearing will be part of this bid. Given this work function is outside the scope of line clearance tree trimming, EHAP training is not required but preferred. 3. Contractor crews must work in a professional manner while working near and around customer owned property. All customer owned properties must be returned to the original condition or better after work is completed. The cleanup of customer owned properties should be considered of the utmost customer service practices under this contract. All work shall be done, and all complaints handled by the Contractor with due regard to the Owner's public relations. 4. The Contractor agrees that complaints of any nature shall receive immediate attention and shall make all efforts to affect a proper adjustment. All complaints and the actions taken by the Contractor shall be reported to the Owner. It is understood that the Contractor does not represent the Owner and has no authority to obligate the Owner for any payment or benefit of any kind. 5. The Contractor is responsible for any damages which may occur on private or public property while performing work functions. The Contractor shall make all efforts to correct any damage in a timely manner in the same, if not better, condition prior to the damage occurring. 6. The Contractor shall furnish, maintain, and erect the necessary guards, warning signs and traffic control protective devices at work locations to prevent accidents to the public or damage to property. 7. The Contractor shall secure all information as to the nature of the electrical facilities involved in every case prior to starting work. The Contractor is solely responsible for providing and using all necessary protective equipment for the safety of their employees, and to guard against interference with the normal operation of the Owner's facilities. 8. The Contractor is responsible for the storage of vehicles and equipment off the Owner's premises during the duration of this contract. The Owner shall not incur any costs associated with the offsite storage. 9. The Contractor shall legally dispose of all debris resulting from their work and shall leave the work area in the condition equal to or better than before the work was undertaken. Written permission for leaving wood must be obtained by property owner. 10. The Contractor is responsible for disinfecting equipment after each use to prevent the spread of disease and contamination from one tree or bush to another tree or bush. 11. At all times the Contractor shall utilize planking to minimize the risk of damaging any personal, private, or public property. The Contractor shall furnish all planking for a vehicle to enter said areas to prevent damage. Planking shall be readily available for use by multiple crews if needed. 12. Where permission to perform work is not obtained, the Contractor shall submit a Tree Trimming written report to the Owner containing the following: a.) Identify the location of the tree to be trimmed or removed, the work deemed necessary by the Contractor b.) The identity of the property owner and public authorities having ownership or control of the tree c.) The dates when the Contractor contacted the property owner or public authority to obtain permission d.) Affected facilities needing trimming e.) A summary of the objection by the property owner or public authority to the work proposed to be performed by the Contractor. Notwithstanding the lack of permission, the Contractor must notify the Owner in writing of the inability to perform said work 13. The workday shall be 7:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. The work will commence on-site at 7:00 a.m. and complete at 3:30p.m. Should work be required past 3:30 p.m., the Contractor shall notify the Owner prior to 3:30 p.m., of the work function at hand and obtain permission to work later than 3:30 p.m. The Contractor must have all equipment ready for operation for each day. All vehicles and equipment must be fueled up and all dump beds empty. This must be completed to ensure vehicular preparedness in the event of an emergency call out as well as timely response to the work site for the following workday. 14. The Contractor shall perform all work to the complete satisfaction of the Owner and in accordance with all municipal, county, state and other laws, ordinances, or regulations applicable to such work. 15. All tree trimming shall be done in such a way as to obtain the maximum clearance possible to safeguard the integrity of the Owner's facilities and public health, safety, and welfare. All tree trimming shall be done with due consideration of current and future tree health and symmetry, but such considerations are secondary to safeguarding the integrity of the Owner's facilities and public health, safety, and welfare. Clearance requirements will be; poles are to be cleared of vegetation and to allow for minimum 5' circumference around the pole for climbing space, and for pad mount equipment 5' on sides, and 10' on the front or where doors are located. If required, specific details will be given to the Contractor regarding additional required clearances. 16. When the Owner requests additional crews for additional trimming to augment the current crew structure in place, the Contractor shall arrange for qualified personnel, equipment, and tools to begin within two (2) calendar days after notification or an agreed upon start date. The Owner shall not incur any additional costs for additional crews utilized for routine tree trimming. 17. The Contractor shall remove any hazard tree, which poses danger to the Owner's facilities in a timely manner. Should the tree be deemed "Dangerous to climb" or "Unable to climb" the Contractor shall obtain appropriate equipment to safely remove the trees from the facilities within 48 hours. The Owner shall not incur any costs associated with the specialized equipment. 18. The Contractor shall be responsible for utilizing only appropriate, effective tools and equipment as required under this contract, which must be in a constant state of good repair and operation. Any tools or equipment which fails in the execution of such work, shall immediately be repaired, or replaced. The Owner shall not be responsible for any cost or time, including associated labor, related to ineffective or defective tools and/or equipment. All vehicles and associated equipment must always present a clean appearance. All maintenance on the Contractor's equipment must be made on "OFF" hours (times other than normal business hours/the workday) or the personnel and equipment hours must be deducted from billing charges submitted to the Owner at the end of the pay period. The Working Foreman's business obligations required by the Contractor, not the Owner, including but not limited to phone calls, training, etc. and will not be compensated to the Contractor under this contract. 19. The Contractor must clearly identify on each vehicle the following: Contractor's name and local phone number, identification indicating the Contractor is only a Contractor for the Owner and must also include a vehicle number. The size of the lettering must conform to the Illinois Department of Motor Vehicles and or the Illinois Department of Transportation. 20. In the event, additional crews are required due to factors outside the control of the Owner, such as a severe weather event, the Contractor will have 6 hours to gather the additional resources and have them on the Owner's property for dispatching. The Working Foreman will contact Owner when the crew arrives on site and when the crew completes work. If additional personnel are required, Working Foreman will call and gain permission from the Owner. The Owner shall not incur any additional costs for additional crews beyond labor relating to any additional hours or shifts worked. 21. A callout schedule must be given to the Owner and by the first of each month. This schedule must list the names, phone numbers and job title of the employees who will be on "stand by". It is the understanding that the listed personnel are on "stand by" and will be responding to after hour calls. All changes to this schedule will be given to the Owner as soon as they are made. The Owner shall not incur any charges associated with the "stand by". In the event of an after hour call out the Owner will pay the Contractor the wage rate per the bid pricing for the hours personnel worked outside the normal working hours of 7:00am-3:30pm. 22. In emergency situations, the Owner may request the Contractor to assist other cities or municipalities. Bid pricing will remain the same and the costs associated with the assistance will not be deducted from the Contract limit with the Owner. All payments to the Contractor must be paid by the municipality or Owner utilizing the Contractor's service.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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