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Published April 23, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

**As of April 23, 2024, the project was awarded to CLEAN INFUSION, LLC., with an awarded amount of $1,097,064.00.** The work covered by these Contract Documents, in general, covers the following for Digesters 4 and 10 at the South Shore Water Reclamation Facility: o Removal of remaining biosolids and other material from the digesters after the digesters have been drained. o Pumping the top 75% of the biosolids and other material remaining in each digester directly to storage digesters o Dewatering and landfilling the bottom 25% of the biosolids and other material remaining in each digester o Cleaning of the interior of each digester. o Inspection of each digester interior to identify internal piping, pipe hangers, and concrete in need of repair or restoration. o Submission of an inspection report for each digester for review and approval. o Completing repairs identified by the reports in each digester as deemed necessary and as approved by the Engineer. o Adding W3 piping and a ball valve to an existing pipe penetration outside Digester 4 and extending the pipe inside the digester from the pipe penetration to the center of the digester. o Removing existing heating water piping outside Digester 4 and adding blind flanges to the pipe penetrations through the digester wall.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work





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April 11, 2023

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Multiple Locations, Oak Creek, WI

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