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Published June 1, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Houston, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; water / sewer project; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

Project was awarded to AJ Leberoni, Inc. in the amount of $515,330.96. BASE BID: The 2023 Road Program Project consists of proposed pavement improvements for a Base Bid, including Hickory Lane, Cedar Lane, Forrest Avenue, North Shady Avenue and McGovern Road, Add Alternate 1, including Linda Lane and East Country Barn Road, Add Alternate 2, including Cynthia Drive. The Base Bid quantities includes 18,998 SY of milling, 2,090 tons of 19.0mm Binder Course, 18,998 SY of 1.5 depth 9.5mm Wearing Course, 12,936 LF of bituminous wedge curb, 4 new type M inlets, 10 inlet repairs, 2 manhole/inlet frame replacements, 41 manhole/inlet/utility valve adjustments, 4 ADA ramps for existing crossings, Base Repair as needed, Sub-Base Repair as needed, Traffic Controls, and site restoration. ADD ALTERNATE 1: The quantities for Add Alternate 1 includes 5,030 SY of milling, 5,030 SY of 9.5mm Wearing Course, 544 tons of 19.0mm Binder Course, 3,429 LF of bituminous wedge curb, 14 Inlet/manhole adjustments, base repair, site restoration and restoration. ADD ALTERNATE 2: The quantities for Add Alternate 2 includes 3,398 SY of milling, 3,398 SY of 9.5mm Wearing Course, 374 tons of 19.0mm Binder Course, 2,479 LF of bituminous wedge curb, 6 inlet/manhole adjustments, 2 inlet repairs, base repair, traffic control and site restoration. Proposals must be on the forms furnished by the Township Engineer. The bid must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the base bid price , made payable to Chartiers Township. Chartiers Township reserves the right to reject any or all bid proposals or any portion thereof. Attention of bidders is called to the requirements concerning the payment of not less than the prevailing wage and salary rate provisions of the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act 442 for the 2023 Road Program project.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Houston, PA

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