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Published April 6, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and religious / funeral development.

This Contract consists of: 1. Reconstruction of Alley #22 Bounded by Waldo Blvd., N. 21st St., Park Row Blvd. & Rail Road Tracks: Work includes unclassified excavation, 8" concrete driveway, geotextile fabric, 12" C.A.B.C., 3" HMA pavement, gravel shoulder, topsoil, seed, and E-mat. 2. Reconstruction of Alley #18 Bounded by Rankin St., N. 22nd St., N. 21st St., & Emerson St.: Work includes unclassified excavation, 8" concrete driveway, geotextile fabric, 12" C.A.B.C., 3" HMA pavement, topsoil, seed, and E-mat. 3. Reconstruction of Alley #12 Bounded by Wisconsin Ave., New York Ave., N. 12th St., & N. 13th St.: Work includes unclassified excavation, 8" concrete driveway, geotextile fabric, 12" of C.A.B.C., 3" HMA pavement, topsoil, seed, and E-mat. 4. Resurfacing 2 locations in the Evergreen Cemetery: Work includes pulverizing the existing asphalt surface, fine grading, 3 inches of HMA Pavement, topsoil, seed, and E-mat. 5. Reconstruction of a portion of Lincoln Park Roadway: Work includes unclassified excavation, geotextile fabric, 12" of C.A.B.C., 3" HMA Pavement, epoxy pavement markings, gravel shoulder, topsoil, seed, and E-mat A Bid Bond or Surety 2000 in the amount of 5% of the bid must accompany each proposal as a guaranty. Property owners shall be notified three days in advance of any work that will disrupt their access. Disruption to abutting property owners shall be kept to a minimum. Alley #22 bounded by Waldo Blvd., N. 21 st St., Park Row Blvd., & Rail Road Tracks The Contractor shall be permitted to close the alley during the grading, graveling and paving operations. The Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain "Road Work Ahead" signs on barricades at the following locations: 1. On Waldo Blvd. at Park Row Blvd. for westbound traffic. 2. On N. 21 st St. at Waldo Blvd. for northbound traffic. 3. On N. 21 st St at Lafollette Ave. for southbound traffic. 4. On Arlington Ave at Elm St for south and westbound traffic If the Contractor will not pave the alley within 2 days after the graveling is completed, then the alley shall be re-opened to traffic until it is closed again for the asphalt paving. The Contractor shall be responsible to notify the property owners again prior to the paving. The Contractor shall maintain access to the abutting property owners as much as possible during the nonworking hours. The Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain "Road Closed" signs on Type III barricades three (3) ends of the alley. Alley #18 bounded by Rankin St., N. 21 st St., N. 22 nd St., and Emerson St. The Contractor shall be permitted to close the alley during the grading, graveling and paving operations. The Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain "Road Work Ahead" signs on barricades at the following locations: 5. On N 21 st St and N. 22 nd St at Emerson St. for northbound traffic. 6. On N 21 st St and N. 22 nd St at Rankin St. for southbound traffic. 7. On Rankin St. at N. 21 st St. for westbound traffic. 8. On Rankin St. at N. 22nd St. for eastbound traffic. If the Contractor will not pave the alley within 2 days after the graveling is completed, then the alley shall be re-opened to traffic until it is closed again for the asphalt paving. The Contractor shall be responsible to notify the property owners again prior to the paving. The Contractor shall maintain access to the abutting property owners as much as possible during the nonworking hours. The Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain "Road Closed" signs on Type III barricades on the three (3) ends of the alley. Alley #12 bounded by Wisconsin Ave., New York Ave., N. 12 th St., & N. 13 th St. The Contractor shall be permitted to close the alley during the grading, graveling and paving operations The Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain "Road Work Ahead" signs on barricades at the following locations: 9. On Wisconsin Ave at N. 13 th St. for eastbound traffic and at N. 12 th St. for westbound traffic. 10. On New York Ave. at N. 13 th St. for eastbound traffic and at N. 12 th St. for westbound traffic. If the Contractor will not pave the alley within 2 days after the graveling is completed, then the alley shall be re-opened to traffic until it is closed again for the asphalt paving. The Contractor shall be responsible to notify the property owners again prior to the paving. The Contractor shall maintain access to the abutting property owners as much as possible during the nonworking hours.

Bid Results

Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Manitowoc, WI

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