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Published May 24, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, new construction and renovation of a museum in Charlotte, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the demolition of a museum; and for the construction of a 26,000-square-foot museum.

Discovery Place Nature Museum Building, Canopy Walk and Sitework bid packages include: 02A Selective Building Demolition, 03A Complete Concrete Sub and Superstructures, 04A Masonry, 05A Structural and Miscellaneous Steel, 06A Wood Structures, 06B Carpentry and Casework, 07A Roofing and Accessories, 07B Waterproofing and Sealants, 07C Fireproofing, 07E Exterior Perforated Corrugated Metal Panels, 08A Glass Assemblies, 08B Passage Door Assemblies, 09A Drywall Assemblies, 09C Acoustical Assemblies, 09D Hard Tile & Stone, 09E Floor Coverings - Resilient & Carpeting, 09F Painting, 09L Terrazzo Flooring, 10A Specialties, 10B Signage, 12A Window Treatments, 14A Elevators, 18A General Works, 18B Final Cleaning, 21A Fire Protection, 22A Plumbing Systems, 23A HVAC, 26A Electrical Systems, 31A Complete Sitework, 31C Deep Foundation Systems, 32C Landscape and Irrigation, and 32D Fencing. Project Description: The project consists of abatement and demolition of the existing Nature Museum. New construction of a new 26,000 SF Nature Museum, filled with animal exhibits, classroom, office, and event space. The new Nature Museum will be a conventional steel building with some wood structure components, on shallow footings, and the envelope is brick veneer and aluminum storefront/curtainwall. The site is roughly 14 acres of selective clearing, demolition, new utilities, paving, site walls, landscaping, and hardscaping. There will be a 950 LNFT elevated Canopy Walk that navigates through the existing forest floor. The Canopy Walk will be on deep foundations and is mainly comprised of structural steel. There will be wood elements on the canopy walk, such as decking, handrail components, and slats. There is an extensive fencing package. There are also 2 design elements attached to the Canopy Walk called the Climber and the Nest. These elements will contain netting, wood elements, and adventure/obstacle features. The Pavilion building is in the forest floor. It is 2,100 SF open air structure, with a storage closet

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Public - County

Demolition, New Construction, Renovation, Site Work





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April 11, 2023

October 2, 2023


1658 Sterling Rd, Charlotte, NC

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