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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Booneville, Arkansas. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The City of Booneville will receive sealed bids for construction of the Crack Repair and Pavement project at the Booneville Muncipal Airport. All bids will be received untill 11:00 am local time on tuesday,April 11,2023 at the offices of Michael Baker International, 101 South Spring Street, Suite 100 at which time and place the bids shall be publicity opened and read aloud. Bid Received after 11.00 am will not be accepted. The work is generally described as follows: Project includes crack repair and pavement rehabilitation as well as associated site improvement. Bidding document may be examined at the following Locations: Office of the Engineer : Michael Baker International,101 South Spring Street, Suite 101 Little Rock, AR 72201(501)907-6223 Booneville Municipal Airport: City of Booneville, city hall. 497 East Main, Suite A, Booneville, AR 72927 479-518-5890. Bid Proposal Form (Failure to furnish all requested data will be cause for considering bidder non- Responsive and may render this Bid Invalid on that Basis. BID FOR: Booneville Municipal Airport Crack Repair and Pavement Rehabilitation SUBMITTED TO: City of Booneville, City Hall, 497 East Main, Suite A, Boonevilla, AR 72927. SUBMITTED BY: Bidder's Name,Address, City, State and Zip Code, Telephone and Fax Number Bid security 5% Perfromance and Payment Bond 100% This bid for the work will remain open for sixty days, after the day of bid opening. If awarded a contract bidder's will sign the agreement and submit the contract security and other document required by the contract document within 10 days after the date indicated in owner's notice of Award. All inquiries shall be directed to Michael Baker International, Attn: Matthew Roddy, Project Manager, 101 South Spring Street, Suite 100, Phone No. 501-907-6223, Fax No. (501)907-9937


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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April 11, 2023

May 11, 2023


To Be Determined, Booneville, AR

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