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Published May 9, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Appleton, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The work noted is a general description of the required work. There are no engineered or detailed drawing for the work noted within the plans. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to visit the site prior to bidding in order to gain a full understanding of the existing conditions and intent of work. It shall also be the contractor's responsibility to provide detailed shop drawing that meet the projects intent for the owners review and approval prior to the completion of any work Contractor shall perform project clean up after each shift in order to assure courtrooms are in good condition for the following day's court operations. All materials shall match material type and qualities of existing benches. Owner to select final colors from color samples provided by the contractor. Provide a minimum of one year warranty on labor and materials. Outagamie County is seeking bids from qualified contractors to perform modifications and add-ons to existing casework within courtrooms located at the Outagamie County Justice Center, 320 S Walnut St., Appleton WI. Work shall include the replacement of several laminated desktops as well as adding additional casework and shelves to the existing Judges and Court Reporter benches within several of the courtrooms. Reference following attachments for description of work and drawings of existing benches; Courtroom Bench Plans 03-27-2023; Includes original 1990 construction design drawing with markups and notes detailing work for this project. Contractor shall be responsible for verifying actual site conditions prior to bidding. Original Casework Details 11-15-90; Includes 1990 casework details to show construction style and details of the existing casework. Contractor to verify actual site conditions prior to bidding. "Bid - Casework". Any bid or unsolicited amendments to a bid received after the closing date and time will not be considered. Failure to fully complete the project in this timeframe will result in a liquidated damages penalty equal to $50.00 per calendar day payable to Outagamie County All selected projects shall be substantially completed no later than 4:00 pm November 30, 2023. Failure to fully complete the project in this timeframe will result in a liquidated damages penalty equal to $50.00 per calendar day payable to Outagamie County Facsimile or email bids are not acceptable. If the Contractor defaults or fails or neglects to carry out the Work in accordance with the RFB, or fails to perform a provision of the RFB, the County, after 10 days' written notice to the Contractor and without prejudice to any other remedy the County may have, may make good such deficiencies and may deduct the reasonable cost thereof Site Information - Paul Farrell Facilities Director Paul.Farrell@outagamie.org 920-832-1855 Contractor shall perform all work noted in attachment labeled Courtroom "Bench Plans 03-27-2023". The work noted is a general description of the required work. There are no engineered or detailed drawing for the work noted within the plans. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to visit the site prior to bidding in order to gain a full understanding of the existing conditions and intent of work. It shall also be the contractor's responsibility to provide detailed shop drawing that meet the projects intent for the owners review and approval prior to the completion of any work. The following shall be included within the scope of work; With the exception of very noisy work, work within the courtroom can be performed during normal business hour anywhere between 7 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday, however work must be scheduled at least 2 weeks prior to starting work. The contractor must also work around the courts schedules which could mean only one courtroom would be available at a time. Excessively noisy activities such as operating loud power tools shall be performed prior to 8 am so the adjacent courtrooms are not interrupted throughout the day. The courts will be out of session and the courtrooms will be empty and available September 7 th and 8 th and again on November 1 st through the 3rd . All courtrooms would be available to the contractor on these dates. Contractor shall perform project clean up after each shift in order to assure courtrooms are in good condition for the following day's court operations. All materials shall match material type and qualities of existing benches. Owner to select final colors from color samples provided by the contractor. Provide a minimum of one year warranty on labor and materials.




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April 25, 2023

May 25, 2023


320 S Walnut St, Appleton, WI

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