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Published April 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Lexington, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The General Contractor will secure all data at the site of the building such as grades of lot, convenience of receiving and sorting material, location of public services, and other information which will have a bearing proposals or on the execution of the Work and shall address these issues in the preparation of scopes of work for the Subcontract bid packages. No allowance shall be made for failure of the General Contractor to obtain such site information prior to submitting their proposal or to include such information in the Subcontract bid packages, and no adjustment to the General Contractor's Contract amount or stipulated time for completion shall be allowed when due to failure by the General Contractor to do so. 6.2 The General Contractor shall be responsible for all lines, levels and measurements of all Work executed under the Contract. The General Contractor shall verify the figures before laying out the Work and will be held responsible for any error resulting from failure to do so. Working from lines and levels established by the property survey or by other Contract Documents, and as shown in relation to the Work, the General Contractor will establish and maintain bench marks and other dependable markers to set lines and levels for Work at each area of construction and elsewhere on the site as needed to properly locate each element of the entire Project. The General Contractor shall calculate and measure from the bench marks and dependable markers required dimensions as shown (within recognized tolerances if not otherwise indicated), and shall not scale drawings to determine dimensions. The General Contractor shall advise Sub-contractors and trades persons performing Work of marked lines and levels provided for their use in layout work. The General Contractor shall verify layout information shown on drawings as required for the Work. 6.3 The General Contractor shall be responsible for coordination of the installation of all elements of the Work, including preparation of coordination drawings if required by the Contract Documents or deemed necessary by the General Contractor for performance of the Work. 6.4 If any encroachments are made by the General Contractor or any Sub-contractor on any adjacent property, the General Contractor shall, at the General Contractor's expense, and within thirty (30) Calendar Days after written notice from the Owner or the Consultant, correct any encroachments and obtain approval from the owner of such adjacent property for any encroachments that cannot be feasibly corrected. The General Contractor shall not be entitled to any adjustment to the Contract Amount or the Contract Time as a result of any such encroachment or the correction thereof. The General Contractor shall furnish a Performance Bond in the form provided in the Contract Documents in the full amount of the Contract Amount as security for the faithful performance of the Contract. The General Contractor shall also furnish a Payment Bond in the form provided in the Contract Documents in the full amount of the Contract Amount for the protection of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials, equipment or supplies for the General Contractor or its Sub-contractors for the performance of the Work provided for in the Contract, including security for payment of all unemployment contributions which become due and payable under Kentucky Unemployment Insurance Law.




Public - State/Provincial


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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April 27, 2023

May 29, 2023


328 Old Vine St, Lexington, KY

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