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Renovation of a water / sewer project in East Providence, Rhode Island. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

The project generally consists of work at the four anaerobic digester tanks at the Bucklin Point Wastewater Treatment Facility. All four digesters will be cleaned out and prepared for inspection. Repairs will be made to the inside of two of the digesters and may be required at the other two, pending outcome of inspections. The work also includes select replacement of mechanical appurtences on the digesters and key sludge valves and pipe segments in the Digester Control Building. Each BID shall be accompanied by a bid deposit in the amount of 5 percent of the Total Bid Price. This bid security shall be in the form and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders. Successful bidder must furnish 100 percent Performance Bond and 100 percent Payment Bond. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids should the Owner deem it to be in the public interest to do so Completion 850 consecutive calendar days. MBE (3.0%), WBE (6.9%) The project generally consists of work at the four anaerobic digester tanks. All four digesters will be cleaned out and prepared for Engineer's inspection. Repairs will be made to the inside of two of the digesters, Primary Digester No. 1 and No. 2 (PD1 and PD2) and, may be required at the other two digesters, Primary Digester No. 3 (PD3) and the Secondary Digester (SD), pending determinations of the Engineer following inspections. The work also includes select replacement of mechanical appurtenances on PD1 and PD2 and replacement of key sludge valves and pipe segments in the Digester Control Building. A summary of the work is outlined below. 1. Owner will turn over three of the four digester tanks to Contractor generally at start of construction. Owner will hold back PD2 as this tank will initially serve as Owner's temporary holding tank for raw sludge ahead of pumping to the plant's sludge dewatering system. Owner's Contractor, Synagro, is responsible for the plant's sludge dewatering and disposal offsite. 2. Priority of the work shall be on PD3 followed by PD1. Contractor shall immediately clean and prepare PD3 for inspection (e.g., scaffolding, lighting, ventilation, safety measures etc). Engineer will perform complete structural inspection of PD3. Upon completion of inspection of PD3 by Engineer, assuming no rehabilitation is required, Contractor shall return this tank to Owner and Owner will turn over PD2 to Contractor. 3. Contrator shall perform all structural repairs to PD1 and PD2 and related demolition. The work shall also include repair of side access manway at the Secondary Digester (SD). Except for manway at the SD, no other repair work is anticipated at SD and at PD3; however, Engineer's inspection of these tanks will confirm this. 4. Engineer will perform complete structural inspection of all four digesters. Work scope will be confirmed as each tank is inspected; whereupon Contractor shall perform the work on that tank and upon satisfactory completion, Contractor shall return tank to Owner. 5. Owner is responsible for emptying sludge from the digester tanks prior to turnover to Contractor; however, Contractor shall fully cooperate and coordinate his activities with Owner during this time. While Owner will empty the digester tanks of sludge down to maximum extent practical, actual amount of material (grit-debris) remaining in the tanks and which is the Contractor's responsibility to remove and dispose of is currently unknown. As described in Section 13231, the sludge contents in the tanks will be removed at a controlled rate so as to not upset treatment plant performance. Contractor shall assume that time required by Owner to isolate each digester and drain the sludge contents down to the grit-debris level, will be four weeks. 6. After Owner has emptied the sludge from the digester to maximum extent practical, turnover to Contractor will occur and Contractor shall be responsible for cleaning out gritdebris contents located in the lower level of the four tanks, including transport and disposal offsite. Contractor shall also undertake dewatering of the grit-debris material in accordance with Section 13231 and shall not imperil treatment plant performance. 7. Remove and replace all necessary sludge valves and piping in Digester Control Building; this work is focused at PD1, PD2 and PD3. 8. Owner will reseed digesters after work is complete and accepted in the respective digesters and bring digesters back into service To receive consideration, all questions shall be submitted in writing (by mail, fax, e-mail or delivery) to Mr. Greg Waugh, NBC Construction Manager, Narragansett Bay Commission, Bucklin Point Wastewater Treatment Facility, 102 Campbell Avenue, East Providence, RI 02905 (e-mail at least six working days before the established date for receipt of Bids - Question Deadline 05/24/2023


Water / Sewer


Public - City






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102 Campbell Ave, East Providence, RI

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