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Saving Project...

Published June 16, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Kenton, Kentucky. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

As of June 16 the project was awarded to Eaton Asphalt for $305,252.40 . The Kenton County Fiscal Court is announcing a Request for Bid (RFB) from for the purpose resurfacing with an addition of a multi-use path to Independence Station Rd. The County is not responsible for the delivery of mail or other services, therefore only the bids/proposals received in the Purchasing Office prior to the opening will be considered. The scope of the project includes resurfacing Independence Station Road about 747 linear feet or 0.141 miles and constructing a proposed multi-use path along the roadway of about 993 linear feet or 0.188 miles. The total project will be 1391 linear feet or 0.264 miles. The materials provided and the construction methods used in the performance of this contract shall be provided in accordance with terms and conditions of this RFB and the 2019 KYTC Standard Specifications as well as attached plan sheets, unless expressly noted otherwise within the bid documents. This contract shall have 90 working days. Failure to complete the project on time will result in the County assessing liquidated damages according to KYTC Standard Specifications Section 108.09. This Request for Bids/Proposals is issued pursuant to applicable provisions of the Kenton County Purchasing Ordinance Kenton County does not prescribe the method by which bids/proposals are to be transmitted; therefore, it cannot be held responsible for any delay, regardless of the reason, in transmission of the bids/proposals. Facsimile or e-mailed bids/proposals will not be accepted. A Bid Bond amounting to five (5%) percent of the proposed bid/proposal price must be provided with the response. The Bid Bond may be in the form of a surety bond, cashier check or other form of surety satisfactory to the county attorney. If the contract is awarded to the bonded bidder, the bidder will accept the contract as bid, or else the surety will pay the Fiscal Court a specific amount because of default on part of the bidder. A Performance Surety Bond amounting to one hundred (100%) percent of the Contract price must be provided prior to execution of the contract assuring Kenton County that the project will be pursued with due diligence and completed according to the plans and specifications. This requirement may also be met by a letter of credit. Questions must be submitted by 4:00 PM on 5/15/23. Answers will be posted no later than 4:00 PM on 5/18/23 to Holly Hill Purchasing Manager Email: holly.hill@kentoncounty.org Project resurfacing is on Independence Station starting 425 feet west of Meadow Glen Drive and ending 270 feet east of Meadow Glen Drive. The multi-use path construction is on the north side of Independence station starting 1050 feet west of Meadow Glen Drive and ending at the intersection


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Kenton, KY

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