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Published December 3, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a pipeline in Derby, Kansas. Conceptual plans call for site work for a pipeline.

As of December 3, 2024, information regarding the award and award date has not been disclosed. A firm timeline for construction has not been established. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: Information provided in your response will be considered proprietary and will not be divulged to third parties during the review process unless otherwise required by law. Because the services sought will require the expenditure of public funds, part or all of the successful proposal, as well as the resulting contract, will likely be public records within the meaning of the Kansas Open Records Act. Prior to acceptance of a proposal, the information contained in each proposal will be used for evaluating the ability of your team to complete this project and will not be shared with persons not involved with the selection process unless otherwise required by law. Questions about this RFSQ must be submitted in writing to Alex M. Lane, P.E. at alexlane@derbyweb.com by May 26, 2023. Questions of a substantive nature will be answered in written form as an addendum and posted on the City's website by 5:00 p.m., May 31, 2023. Respondents are responsible for checking the website, signing up for project alerts and acknowledging any addendums in their response and for notification of award. Respondents will be evaluated on experience, quality, work load, schedule and fee range. The City seeks an engineering firm that will provide all required services, including labor, equipment, material and consumables, necessary to complete the project described below and in the "Scope of Service." If the City desires to proceed after evaluating the proposals, staff will recommend award of a contract to the Derby City Council. The project is the design of a sanitary sewer interceptor which will begin by matching location and flowline with a set of sewer plans by others at the north boundary of the STAR bond district, at Patriot Avenue approximately 1400' east of Rock Rd. The routing of the proposed sewer will continue north to 55th St. N. and will be of an appropriate size and depth to serve proposed developments at the northeast and southeast corners of 55th St. N. and Rock Road. 1. A statement of the respondent's background, experience, and understanding of the services required. 2. A description of any characteristics or capabilities, which may make the Respondent uniquely qualified to perform the services specified in the RFSQ. 3. At least three (3) references (name of business, address, contact person, phone number, date of services, and scope of services) unless your firm has provided similar services to the City. 4. Any additional information believed necessary to assist the City in evaluating your qualifications 5. This "Response Form". 6. A timeline for the completion of the required services including deliverables. 7. The Respondent's approach to completing the project. 8. An estimated fee range to complete the Scope of Work.




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