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Published May 25, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a parking garage in Marblehead, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a parking garage.

Questions concerning this Request for Quotes must be submitted in writing to: rebeccac@marblehead.org at least five (5) days prior to the due date. Written responses will be sent to all bidders on record as having picked up the RFQ. Project Description - Restoration of Exterior Sheathing North and East Elevations, Fascia and Trim Replacement on All Elevations: Multiple locations on the exterior of the building have been exposed to weathering and substantial decay. The damaged internal framing, siding, fascia, windowsills and roof tail framing are to be replaced in like kind. Reattachment or replacement of framing members and trim shall be in ordinance with industry standards for repair and reinstallation of siding and fascia. Building is to receive one (1) coat primer and one (1) coat finish paint. Scope of Work - Restoration of Exterior Sheathing North and East Elevations, Fascia and Trim Replacement on All Elevations: 1. The Contractor shall consult with the Town Representative for material selections and fastener application. 2. The siding on three (3) elevations requires refastening and setting: re-nailed or re-affixed, using 1 1/2 " high quality hot dipped galvanized nails, or suitable other size and shape corrosion resistant fasteners. All visible nails and fasteners, with any portion proud of, not flush with or below the surface of wood materials, shall be countersunk and filled/sanded smooth. 3. The soffits and facia will be replaced according to the integrity of the existing millwork,subject to the Town Representative's reviewal. 4. All exterior building surfaces under this contract are to be cleaned or replaced according to the condition of the material. 5. Approximately 15% of existing clapboards, under this contract, shall be replaced. Or, if deemed of appropriate integrity; scraped and sanded. Surfaces to be restored include but are not limited to: Window trim, window frames and muntins, garage door and trim, soffits, eaves, fascia, gutters, rakes and bed moldings. Hardware shall be removed; loose paint and rust shall be removed and surface imperfections corrected to the degree possible. 6. The correct dimensions and application of trim and siding shall be used to repair/replace damaged millwork in like kind. 7. Premium commercial grade putty and caulking materials shall be applied uniformly to all nail and screw holes, divots and dents, all cracks and seams, all damaged wood and metal surfaces. All are to be repaired and sanded smooth, ready for primer coat. All materials are subject to the review and acceptance of the Town Representative. 8. One coat premium tinted oil-based primer shall be applied uniformly to all wood and metal surfaces of the building. One coat finish paint (Basis of design is 9. Any and all surface imperfections noted after the roof siding or trim has been fastened to the structure, shall be repaired to the Town Representative's satisfaction. Project Description-Garage Door Replacement: The garage door which serves as the only entrance to the structure is deteriorated and no longer forms a seal to keep out weather and nuisance pests. The garage door will be replaced with a door manufactured in like kind of naturally durable wood. The entire track system will also be replaced to provide smooth operation. Scope of work-Garage Door Replacement: 1. Consult with the Town Representative for best materials in a manufactured unit appropriate for this application. 2. The correct dimensions for the existing garage door shall be used to replace damaged door in similar kind and size. 3. Any loose millwork that is damaged and that requires replacement shall be re-nailed or re- affixed, using 1 1/2 " high quality hot dipped galvanized nails, or suitable other size and shape corrosion resistant fasteners. All visible nails and fasteners, with any portion proud of, not flush with or below the surface of wood materials, shall be countersunk and filled. 4. All loose existing to remain siding shall be re-nailed or re-affixed, using 1 1/2 " stainless ring shank nails, or suitable other size and shape stainless steel fasteners. All visible nails and fasteners, with any portion proud of, not flush with or below the surface of wood materials, shall be countersunk and filled. 5. Premium commercial grade putty and caulking materials shall be applied uniformly to all nail and screw holes, divots and dents, all cracks and seams, all damaged wood and metal surfaces. All are to be repaired and sanded smooth, ready for primer coat. All materials are subject to the review and acceptance of the Town Representative. 6. Any and allsurface imperfections noted after the garage doorsiding or trim has been fastened to the structure, shall be repaired to the Town Representative's satisfaction.


Parking Garage


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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66 Clifton Ave, Marblehead, MA

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