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Site work for a water / sewer project in Escanaba, Michigan. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The following outlines a summary of the scope of services required. It should not be construed as a detailed or all-inclusive scope of services. The exact scope of services will be as outlined in the engineering agreement formalized after the selection process. A. Project Planning: Project Plan(s) for DWSRF and CWSRF FY24 have been completed and submitted to EGLE. Items listed in Project Description outline Priority 1 work. B. Design Phase: Based on the Planning Documents, provide all engineering services required to perform underground utility location, survey, geotechnical evaluations, preliminary design, interaction with outside agencies, final design, preparation of contract documents, assistance in pre-bid and preconstruction meetings, bid review and award recommendations. C. Construction Phase: Provide all assistance and technical assistance for shop drawing review and approval, construction inspection, construction documentation as required by EGLE, preparation of draw requests to EGLE, and preparation of conforming to construction drawings, and contract closeout. The selected engineering firm will act as the City's representative through the entire DWSRF and CWSRF EGLE SRF process. This includes all coordination with EGLE SRF staff, and any others involved. The proposed City of Escanaba Drinking Water Project and Clean Water Project is intended to replace and upgrade key components of the sewer system and drinking water system. The goal is to meet or enhance water and sewer utility systems relevant to the current NPDES permit and correct several system inadequacies that exist at the present time utilizing grant and loan funds from EGLE and SRF. Water System Improvements: 1. South Water Tank Area Improvements Water Main and Valve Replacements 2. 2nd Ave N (N18th to 19th Street): Replace Water Main (360 ft) 3. N 11th Street (2nd to 3rd Ave North): Replace Water Main (500 ft) 4. S 2nd St (Ludington St to 1st Ave S): Replace Water Main (450 ft) 5. 2nd Ave S (S 8th to 9th St): Replace Water Main (450 ft) 6. S 7th St (2nd to 3rd Ave S): Replace Water Main (520 ft) 7. S 6th St (2nd to 3rd Ave S): Replace Water Main (520 ft) 8. S 11th St(5th to 6th Ave S): Replace Water Main (475 ft) Page 3 of 79. S 10th St (5th Ave S to Lake Shore Dr): Replace Water Main (1,850 ft) 10. 6th Ave S (S 9th to 10th St): Replace Water Main (450 ft) 11. 8th Ave S (S 16th to 17th St): Replace Water Main (350 ft) 12. S 4th St (1st to 2nd Ave S): Replace Water Main (410 ft) 13. 2nd Ave N (N 11th to 13th St): Replace Water Main (780 ft) 14. 2nd Ave N (n 16th to Stephenson Ave): Replace Water Main (420 ft) 15. Additional Lead Impacted Services: Replace Services (450 Each) Wastewater System Improvements: 1. Construct Wastewater Lift Station (and Demolish Existing Pump Station) 2. CN Lift Station Upgrades 3. Alley East of S 16th St (4th to 6th Ave S): Lining Sanitary Sewer (890 ft) 4. Alley East of S 9th St (5th to 6th Ave S): Lining Sanitary Sewer (460 ft) 5. 6th Ave S (S 21st to 19th St): Replace Sanitary Sewer (630 ft) 6. Alley East of S 14th St (6th to 7th Ave S): Pipe Bursting (390 ft) 7. Alley East of Lincoln Rd (S 12 to 13th St): Lining Sanitary Sewer (400 ft) 8. Alley East of S 16th St (10th to 12th Ave S): Lining Sanitary Sewer (575 ft) 9. Alley South of Ludington St (S 25 th St to Walgreens): Replace Sanitary Sewer (500 ft)


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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May 30, 2024


Multiple Locations, Escanaba, MI

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