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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Gretna, Nebraska. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; water / sewer project; and bridge / tunnel.
Sanitary and Improvement District No. 369 of Sarpy County, Nebraska. for furnishing all labor, tools, materials and equipment required to construct as GRUENTHER ROAD IMPROVEMENTS - 222ND STREET TO 218TH STREET for Sanitary and Improvement District No. 369, Sarpy County, Nebraska, as per the plans and specifications for said work, at the locations APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES NO. ITEM APPROX. QUANTITY UNITS BID SCHEDULE A - GRUENTHER RD 222ND - 218TH A1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING - GENERAL 1 LS A2 INSTALL SILT FENCE 1442 LF A3 INSTALL CURB INLET PROTECTION 19 EA A4 INSTALL STRAW WATTLES 1222 LF A5 MAINTAIN SILT FENCE 1442 LF A6 MAINTAIN CURB INLET PROTECTION 19 EA A7 MAINTAIN STRAW WATTLES 1222 LF A8 REMOVE SILT FENCE 1442 LF A9 REMOVE CURB INLET PROTECTION 19 EA A10 REMOVE STRAW WATTLES 1222 LF A11 REMOVE FLARED END SECTION (LESS THAN 24") 1 EA A12 REMOVE FENCE 434 LF A13 REMOVE END OF ROAD MARKER 4 EA A14 REMOVE RIP RAP 26 CY A15 REMOVE PAVEMENT 9 SY A16 SAW CUT - FULL DEPTH 38 LF A17 EXCAVATION ON-SITE 22821 CY A18 EMBANKMENT - HAUL OFF 1566 CY A19 ADJUST MANHOLE TO GRADE 3 EA A20 CONSTRUCT 10" CONCRETE PAVEMENT (TYPE L65) 5805 SY A21 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE HEADER 50 LF A22 CONSTRUCT END OF ROAD MARKER 6 EA A23 DRILL & EPOXY TIE BAR 38 EA A24 CONSTRUCT AGGREGATE BEDDING FOR TYPE R2, 18" STORM SEWER PIPE 1232 LF A25 CONSTRUCT AGGREGATE BEDDING FOR TYPE R2, 24" STORM SEWER PIPE 146 LF A26 CONSTRUCT 18" RCP, CLASS III 1232 LF A27 CONSTRUCT 24" RCP, CLASS III 146 LF A28 CONSTRUCT 54" I.D. STORM MANHOLE 11.75 VF A29 CONSTRUCT 84" I.D. STORM MANHOLE 10.99 VF A30 PLACE AND REMOVE SURCHARGE MATERIAL 1 LS A31 CONSTRUCT TWIN 10'X9' BOX CULVERT W/ WINGWALLS 158 LF A32 CONSTRUCT 48" CHAIN LINK FENCE 117 LF A33 CONSTRUCT CULVERT TAP 2 EA A34 ANTI GRAFFITI COATING 2065 SF A35 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET - TYPE I 13 EA A36 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET - TYPE III 6 EA A37 CONSTRUCT FILTER FABRIC 538 SY A38 CONSTRUCT TYPE C RIP-RAP 717 TON A39 INSTALL SEEDING - TYPE B 3.8 AC A40 PERMANENT PAINT MARKING - 5" WHITE 300 LF A41 PERMANENT PAINT MARKING - 5" YELLOW 3414 LF A42 PERMANENT PREFORMED TAPE SYMBOL - TYPE "ONLY", WHITE 2 EA A43 PERMANENT PREFORMED TAPE SYMBOL - TYPE DIRECTIONAL ARROW, WHITE 4 EA A44 TYPE III BARRICADE 1158 BARR-DAY A45 TEMPORARY SIGN DAY 386 DAY BID SCHEDULE B - SANITARY SEWER AND LINCOLN RD RIGHT TURN LANE B1 CONSTRUCT 8" SANITARY SEWER PIPE 166 LF B2 CONSTRUCT 10" SANITARY SEWER PIPE 439 LF B3 CONSTRUCT 54" I.D. SANITARY MANHOLE (1) 51.1 VF B4 CONSTRUCT SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TAP 2 EA B5 INSTALL EXTERNAL FRAME SEAL 3 EA B6 CONSTRUCT 8" SANITARY SEWER PLUG 1 EA B7 CONSTRUCT AGGREGATE BEDDING FOR TRENCH STABILIZATION 230 TN B8 INSTALL GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 861 SY B9 CONSTRUCT TYPE B RIP-RAP 344 TN B10 INSTALL BX1100 GEOGRID 752 SY B11 INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING 2,000 SF B12 CONSTRUCT 9" CONCRETE PAVEMENT (TYPE L65) 453 SY B13 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 135 CY B14 TIE BARS 89 EA B15 CONSTRUCT BURIED LUG HEADER 2 EA B16 EXCAVATION ON-SITE (ESTABLISHED QUANTITIY) 5,000 CY B17 INSTALL PERMANENT PAINT MARKING - 5" WHITE 408 LF B18 PROVIDE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 1 LS B19 INSTALL SEEDING - TYPE A 2,000 SF All proposals must be submitted on bid forms furnished by E & A Consulting Group, and must be accompanied by an original bid bond or a certified check in the amount not less than $124,902.00 made payable to the Treasurer of Sanitary and Improvement District No. 369 as security that the bidder to whom the contract may be awarded will enter into a contract to build the improvements in accordan ce with this Notice to Contractor and will give a contract and maintenance bond in the amount of 100% of the total contract price, all as provided in the specifications. Bid bonds must be executed by a duly licensed corporate surety. Checks accompanying proposals not accepted shall be returned to the bidders. No bidder may withdraw his proposal for a period of sixty (60) days after date set for opening of bids. All proposals must be enclosed in an envelope, sealed and addressed to the "Clerk of Sanitary and Improvement District No. 369" and shall be marked "PROPOSAL FOR GRUENTHER ROAD IMPROVEMENTS - 222ND STREET TO 218TH STREET " with the bidder's name and address on said envelope. The Bid Security shall be in a separate sealed envelope attached to the Proposal envelope and shall be marked "BID SECURITY" with the project identified thereon. Proposals received after the above time shall be returned unopened to the bidder submitting the proposal. The work herein provided shall be done under written contract with the responsible bidder submitting the lowest acceptable bid in accordance with the requirements of the plans and specifications and as provided by law. Plans, specifications, and contract documents governing the above-referenced proposal as prepared by E & A Consulting Group, 10909 Mill Valley Rd, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska, are hereby made a part of this Notice. The proposed contract shall be executed in compliance therewith.
Bid Results
Water / Sewer
Public - City
Paving, Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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W Gruenther Rd, Gretna, NE
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