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Site work for a municipal facility in Newton, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

Project was awarded to Sirens for Cities, Inc. for $142,435.10 PURPOSE: This RFP is for the purchase and installation of five (5) operational Outdoor Storm Warning Siren(s), The attached specifications are being provided to potential proposers as guidelines which describe the minimum type and quality of the equipment that Baker County, Georgia is seeking to purchase. The Proposer must submit documentation with the RFP listing any exceptions to the specifications. It will be assumed that the Proposer will fully comply with the minimum specifications if no exceptions are submitted. Failure to comply with this provision shall be cause for rejection of the proposal The objective of this RFP is to provide for the procurement of a complete siren warning system capable of providing the FEMA recommended alert level for outdoor warning throughout the County. All prospective Proposers will conduct an on-site survey of the County to determine the size and locations of the storm warning sirens necessary to provide the FEMA recommended alert level for the outdoor warning of the County. The siren(s), once installed, will be capable of being remotely activated by radio. Any omission in the specifications of any item essential to the delivery of a fully operational system does not alleviate the successful Proposer from furnishing such. Each Proposer will submit a map with their proposal showing proposed siren locations and coverage (digital topographic overviews preferred) Based on the County's research into the different types of commercially available storm warning sirens, it has been determined that Omni-Directional, (NON Rotating) sirens with Continuous Duty Motors, battery backup, and radio control will best serve the County's needs. Proposals deviating from this type should take specific exception and be clearly marked as such or risk disqualification. Location for Newton, Georgia/Baker- County proposed siren sites (5): Siren #1: 167 Baker Place Newton, Georgia (Latitude 31.317866, Longitude -84.341897) Siren #2: 3092 Johnny Long Road Newton, Georgia (Latitude 31.272106, Longitude -84.444081) Siren #3: 1694 Jericho Road Newton, Georgia (Latitude 31.345809, Longitude -84,472810) Siren #4: 1512 Patmos Milford Highway, Arlington, Georgia (Latitude 31.382110, Longitude - 84.341897) Siren #5 5486 Georgia Hwy 253, Colquitt, Georgia (Latitude 31.153778, Longitude -84.520167) Worksite viewing period June 6th, through June 9th, 2023 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.




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Multiple Locations, Newton, GA

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