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Published August 18, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Newburyport, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Scope of Work for the Atkinson Common Rock Tower Epoxy Coating Project, located at 388 High Street, Newburyport, MA includes but is not limited to: preparing all 5 floors for coatings by shotblast and diamond grinding, installing Koster Level Strong Overlayment (or approved alternate) to the first floor to level the floor, installing a 4 high integral epoxy cove base at the walls of all five floors, installing an epoxy slurry at a rate of 30 sq ft per gallon with a full broadcast of silica sand to a nominal thickness of 1/8 to all five floors, applying one grout coat of industrial epoxy to all five floors, applying one finish coat of high performance urethane to all five floors, and any potential add alternates as listed. All work incidental thereto shall be in accordance with the project manual, design plans and specifications and attached hereto, which are incorporated herein by reference. Additionally, the contactor must adhere to all other requirements of this bid package and written specifications, inclusive. Additional drawings showing details in accordance with which the Work is to be done may be furnished by addendum from time to time during the bidding period by the Owner or its Architect/Engineer, and shall then become a part of the Contract Documents. Scope of Work for the Atkinson Common Rock Tower Epoxy Coating Project includes but is not limited to: preparing all 5 floors for coatings, levelling the first floor, installing a 4 cove base at the walls of all five floors, installing an epoxy to all five floors, applying finish coat of urethane to all five floors, and any potential add alternates as listed. The City of Newburyport invites proposals from qualified contractors to furnish the materials and labor for the installation of the Atkinson Common Rock Tower Epoxy Coating Project, located at 388 High St., Newburyport, MA. Qualified contractors must submit their proposals via Electronic Bidding in accordance with the instructions contained within this Invitation for Bid (IFB). All questions regarding the bid/contract documents, including but not limited to a request for interpretation of such documents, must be sent by e-mail addressed to Kim Turner, Manager of Special Projects at kturner@cityofnewburyport.com, and to be given consideration must be received by 12:00 pm on June 23, 2023.




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388 High St, Newburyport, MA

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