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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Miles City, Montana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES Miles City Montana BRIEF SCOPE OF WORK (This is for information only) DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES. The contractor shall provide all personnel, equipment, tools, supervision, and other items and services necessary to ensure that grounds maintenance is performed at VA Montana Health Care Facility Miles City in a manner that will maintain healthy grass, trees, shrubs, and plants and present a clean, neat, and professional appearance. LOCATION OF SERVICE: Montana VA Community Living Center 210 S Winchester Ave Miles City, MT 59301 1.1. MAINTAIN IMPROVED GROUNDS. 1.1.1. Mow Improved Grounds. Grass shall be cut on approximately 9.8 acres of improved grounds as indicated in Appendix B. Grass clippings shall be removed when visible after mowing. Contractor shall maintain the growth of grass height on improved grounds between 1 to 4 inches depending upon the type of grass. The height is a guideline for a neat and professional appearance. All improved grounds shall look well manicured at all times. 1.1.2. Edging. Sidewalks, driveways, curbs, and other concrete or asphalt edges located in the improved grounds areas shall be edged at least every other mowing. Areas that require edging are shown in Appendix B. Edging shall include removal of vegetation from cracks in sidewalks, driveways, and curbs within .5 inch of the edged surface and to a depth of 2.0 inches. This work involves approximately 17,263 linear feet of sidewalks, driveways, and curbs in areas indicated in Appendix B. 1.1.3. Trimming. Grass and weeds shall be trimmed around trees, shrubs, buildings, fences, poles, posts, fire hydrants, parking lot bumper blocks, boulders, and other fixed obstacles. Trimming height shall match surrounding area grass heights. This task involves all improved grounds as shown in Appendix B. All areas shall be trimmed concurrent with mowing. Damage to trees, shrubs, property, and sprinkler systems from trimming shall be repaired by the contractor at no additional cost to the Government. If a plant should die or become unhealthy due to damage, the contractor will be responsible for replacing the damaged plant with a plant of same size and type. Plant replacement shall occur within 15 days of noticed damage. 1.1.4. Irrigation. Irrigation will be accomplished using the Government installed Automated system identified in Appendix C. The contractor shall not adjust or tamper with irrigation system. The Contractor shall monitor and report any abnormalities to the onsite Building Manager or Contracting Officer s Representative (COR). The contractor shall provide watering hoses and portable watering devices for irrigating areas that do not have sprinkler systems. 1.1.5. Remove Debris/Police Grounds and Empty Trash Receptacles. The contractor shall perform general litter patrol in all areas identified in Appendix B. Responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, the removal and disposal of all natural debris, (tree limbs, dry brush, rodent habitats, dead animals, etc.), and man-made debris. Contractor shall police areas 2 days per week and empty trash receptacles. During the fall months, fallen leaves shall be removed weekly from the entire campus indicated in Appendix B. At other times leaves shall be removed as necessary. Dispose of all debris at an off-base location in accordance with existing local, state, and federal regulations. 1.1.6. Repair Damaged Areas. Areas damaged by contractor vehicles, erosion, drought or insect/diseases shall be seeded, sprigged, or sodded to meet the standards of surrounding areas. Other than lawn areas will be repaired to match the surrounding area. Tree removal shall be accomplished if a tree is killed by insect and a sapling of similar type planted. 1.1.7. Advise Pest Identification and Control. During performance of grounds maintenance services, identify pests and report to facilities management for recommended treatment. 1.1.8. Aerate Soil. Aerate soil on 9.8 improved grounds to maintain grounds in a healthy state. 1.2. EMERGENCY AND SPECIAL EVENT SERVICES. Upon notification by the contracting officer through the issuance of a delivery order, the contractor shall perform emergency or special event grounds maintenance required in areas covered under this contract. Upon notification of an emergency, the contract manager shall respond within three (3) hours to meet with the contracting officer and COR and initiate emergency services. Upon receiving direction by the contracting officer, contractor personnel shall begin emergency work within two hours. The contracting officer will notify the contractor as soon as a special event requirement is known, but no less than 24 hours prior to the event. 1.3. VEGETATION CONTROL. 1.3.1. Perform Vegetation Control. The contractor shall maintain selected semi-improved grounds to prevent fire hazards or for security reasons. Vegetation in these areas, shown in Appendix B, shall be mowed to remain between 4 and 12 inches. 1.4. MAINTAIN TREES/SHRUBS/HEDGES. 1.4.1. Trimming/Pruning. Contractor shall prune trees in improved and semi-improved areas on a 3 to 5 year pruning cycle. Pruning shall be accomplished in accordance with industry (ANSI Z133.1 - 1994) standards. Class II medium pruning shall be used in general on all trees. Class IV pruning shall be used only for lifting, removal, and/or cutback of branches that conflict with normal traffic or safety in the vicinity of the trees. Minimum safety clearance is 14 feet over streets, 12 feet over driveways, 8 feet over walk areas, and 4 feet from buildings. Other trees shall be pruned on an as-required basis to provide safety, clearances and/or to prevent structural damage. Topping and de-horning shall not be permitted. Trimming/pruning of trees around utility poles/power lines is the responsibility of the contractor. Notify the COR when trimming/pruning around utility poles/power lines is needed. Shrubs, small trees, and other plants shall be maintained according to the American Society of Landscape Architect's standards. They shall be pruned as required to maintain their natural growth characteristics. Hedges shall be maintained to their natural mature height and shape. Broadleaf evergreens and flowers beds shall be pruned annually or as required maintaining clearances of minimum of 3 inches from buildings, sidewalks, or other obstructions. 1.4.2. Maintain Bedding and Planted Areas. Fertilize, water, edge, eliminate weeds, maintain mulch, and repair or replace damaged plants in shrub and plant beds as identified in Appendix A. All weeds shall be removed or eradicated manually or mechanically, but not chemically. 1.5. MAINTAIN IRRIGATION SYSTEM: The contractor shall monitor and report any abnormalities of all water control devices and irrigation systems. The contractor shall ensure that the systems are in good working order and in operating condition at all times. Appendix C indicates the irrigation system where the contractor s responsibility of insuring that all sprinkler heads are working and free and clear of obstructions. The contractor shall replace any sprinkler head that is broken or malfunctioning. The contractor shall not alter, tamper, or adjust watering times. Any changes to the watering schedule shall be coordinated with the COR. 1.6. PERFORM SNOW/ICE REMOVAL. 1.6.1. Basic Services. The contractor shall remove snow and ice from all paved areas, sidewalks, steps, stairs, landings, and entrance ramps as shown in Appendix A and B. The contractor shall ensure a pathway of 3 feet wide is free of snow accumulation, piles, or drifts by removing all snow and ice from sidewalks, steps, landings, and entrance ramps. The contractor shall remove snow, including drift or piles, from all remaining paved surfaces such as roads and parking lots as shown on the map in Appendix B. The Snow in walkways and entrances shall be removed when accumulation exceeds one (1) inch or within one (1) hour after snowfall stops. For areas identified as Parking and Roadways, the contractor shall remove snow when accumulation reaches 3 inches or within 2 hours after the snowfall stops. This may require multiple snow/ice removals each day. When snowfall is heavy or accumulations become excessive, the contractor must place excess snow in accumulation points identified in Appendix B. Remove Ice. The contractor shall immediately remove ice to provide secure footing or safe driving conditions by the snow removal operation or by sanding with washed sand. The contractor will provide all sand material and shall remove and dispose of excess sand accumulation. 2. SERVICE DELIVERY SUMMARY. The contractor service requirements are summarized into performance objectives that relate directly to mission essential items. The performance threshold briefly describes the minimum acceptable levels of service required for each requirement. These thresholds are critical to mission success. Performance Objective SOW Para Performance Standard AQL Mow Improved Grounds 1.1 Grass is maintained within proper height. Sod is healthy and looks well maintained. No more than two violations per month Edging 1.1.2 Edging shall include removal of vegetation from cracks in sidewalks, driveways, and curbs within No more than two violations per month Trimming 1.1.3 Grass and weeds shall be trimmed around trees, shrubs, buildings, fences, poles, posts, fire hydrants, parking lot bumper blocks, boulders, and other fixed obstacles. No more than two violations per month and no more than two situations where damage has accrued. Remove Debris/Police Grounds and Empty Trash Receptacles 1.1.5 Removal and disposal of all natural debris, (tree limbs, dry brush, rodent habitats, dead animals, etc.), and man-made debris and empty trash receptacles. No more than two violations per month. Trash overflow and debris sitting for more than two days. Repair Damaged Areas. 1.1.6 Areas damaged by contractor vehicles, erosion, drought or insect/diseases Repairs not completed within five business days. Perform Vegetation Control 1.3.1 Maintain selected semi-improved grounds to prevent fire hazards or for security reasons. No more than two violations per month where shrubs, bushes, or debris are unsightly and not meeting fire and security standards. Maintain Bedding and Planted Areas . 1.4.2 Fertilize, water, edge, eliminate weeds, maintain mulch, and repair or replace damaged plants in shrub and plant beds No more than two monthly violations where bedding and planted areas are unsightly. Maintain Irrigation System 1.4.2 Ensure that the systems are in good working order and in operating condition. Replace any sprinkler head that is broken or malfunctioning. Broken sprinkler heads not repaired within two days. System errors not reported within 48 hours. Snow Removal 1.6.1 Remove snow IAW 1.6 No more than one monthly violation where snow was not removed IAW with section 1.6 Ice Removal Ice Removal No slips trips or falls due to ice on a walkway or entrance Performance Objective SOW Para Performance Standard AQL Security 4.4 Uniforms that clearly identifies staff as the servicing contractor. Daily check in with the Building Manager No more than two violations per month where staff not wearing proper uniforms and not checking in with the Building Manager. Special Qualifications 4.5 Personnel assigned to dispense fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides shall be trained and certified in accordance with local, State, and Federal policies (per industry standards). No more than one violation per month where Contractor did not properly train, certify, and report the use of Hazardous material. Communication 4.6 Communication between the Contractor, Contracting Officer, and Contracting Officers Representative (COR) No more than two violations per month where the contractor delays communication longer than 24 hours. Housekeeping 4.7 Shall not bring to, park on, or store excess equipment or supplies on the Miles City campus. Shall not use this facility as a staging area for other non VA contracts. Areas shall be kept neat and clean at all times. All equipment shall be maintained in a manner that is orderly and in good repair. No more than one violation per month where the contractor needs to be reminded to follow this requirement. Hazardous Material and Hazardous Waste Management 4.8 Managing all hazardous material used for this contract in accordance with Local, State, and Federal regulations (per industry standards). MSDSs shall be current and identify all chemicals used for this contract. MSDSs shall be kept in a binder and ready for inspection on site at all times. Contractor shall respond to hazardous spills created by their staff and equipment immediately. Clean up shall be accomplished in accordance with Local, State, and Federal regulations (per industry standards). No violations where the contractor failed to comply with this section. Did not respond to a hazardous spill by owned equipment or staff within 2 hours. Missing or not updated MSDS binder. 3. GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY AND SERVICES. 4. GENERAL INFORMATION. 4.1. Quality Control. The contractor shall develop, submit for contracting officer approval, and maintain a quality program to ensure grounds maintenance services are performed in accordance with established standards of Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS), National Arborist Association, American Society of Landscape Architects, and the local county extension office. The contractor shall develop and implement procedures to identify, prevent, and ensure non-recurrence of defective services. As a minimum the contractor shall develop quality control procedures addressing the areas identified in paragraph 2, Service Delivery Summary. 4.2. Quality Assurance. The government will periodically evaluate the contractor s performance in accordance with the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan. 4.3. Hours of Operation. Contractor shall perform grounds keeping operations Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:30 am and 4:30 pm. Grounds keeping shall not be accomplished on weekends or holidays. Snow and Ice removal shall be accomplished at any time as per the specifications listed in section 1.6 Federal Holidays: New Year s Day, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr s Birthday, President s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and any other day specifically declared a National Holiday by the President of the United States. 4.4. Security Requirements. Contractors shall be in a uniform that clearly identifies them as the servicing contractor. The onsite Project Manager shall check in with the Miles City VA Building Manager first thing each service day. 4.5. Special Qualifications. All contract personnel assigned to dispense fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides shall be trained and certified in accordance with local, State, and Federal policies. 4.6. Communication. Communication between the Contractor, Contracting Officer, and COR shall be performed electronically through email and verbally in person or over the phone. The Contractor shall establish an administrative process that allows for electronic communication and records management. All invoices shall be electronically transmitted using the web based Department of Veterans Affairs Electronic Invoicing application. All reports and submittals shall be transmitted via email to the COR. 4.7 Contractor Assigned Areas and Housekeeping. Contractor shall not bring to, park on, or store excess equipment or supplies on the Miles City campus that do not support the maintenance of this facility. The Contractor shall not use this facility as a staging area for other non-VA contracts. All Contractor assigned areas shall be kept neat and clean at all times. All equipment shall be maintained in a manner that is orderly and in good repair. Spilt oil and fuel shall be cleaned up immediately and disposed of in accordance with Local, State, and Federal Laws. 4.8 Hazardous Material and Hazardous Waste Management. Contractor shall be responsible for managing all hazardous material used for this contract in accordance with Local, State, and Federal regulations (per industry standards). Contractor shall train all assigned staff in proper management and spill response. MSDSs shall be current and identify all chemicals used for this contract. MSDSs shall be kept in a binder and ready for inspection on site at all times. Contractor shall respond to hazardous spills created by their staff and equipment immediately. Clean up shall be accomplished in accordance with Local, State, and Federal regulations (per industry standards). 4.8 Privacy Statement The C&A requirements do not apply, and that a Security Accreditation Package is not required. 5.0 Appendices A. Estimated Workload Data B. Site Plans C. Irrigation Map D. Irrigation Schedule E. Government Furnished Property/Services/Equipment APPENDIX A ESTIMATED WORKLOAD DATA ITEM NAME ESTIMATED QUANTITY 1 Pest Control Program 12 Months 2 Improved Grounds 9.8 Acres 3 Vegetation Control .5 Acres 4 Edging 12000 Lineal feet 5 Trimming 6000 Lineal feet 6 Maintain Bedding Areas and flower beds 20 Square yards 7 Prune trees 207 Each 8 Snow/Ice Removal Of: 8a Roads 7253 Square yards 8b Parking lots 22668 Square yards 8d Sidewalks 4604 Square yards 8e Entrance with Stairs and landings 9 Each 8f Ramps 2 Each 9 Areas without Irrigation Systems that require manual watering techniques (Requires Contractor Watering) .2 Acres 10 Police grounds 9.8 Acres 11 Aerate soil 9.8 Acres 12 Fertilized and add soil amendments 9.8 Acres 13 Special events and emergencies 5 Units 14 Exterior Trash Receptacles 4 Each IMPORTANTR NOTE: This RFI (Request for Information) is for information only. No award will be made from this RFI. Please communicate via e-mail to by COB June 16, 2023, as to your company s ability to perform service per this brief Scope of Work. If interested, please provide the following: 1. Please state your company s business size as related to NAICS code 561730 2. As per the Limitations of Subcontracting: (see FAR 19.505) a. As Primary Contractor: what % of Total Contract Value will you retain b. If using a Subcontractor: what % of Total Contract Value will go to them 3. Please provide SAMs Unique Entity Identifier number 4. If you have an FSS/GSA contract that includes this service 5. Provide FSS/GSA contract number if applicable In order for you company s information to be counted in relation to this Market Research all above questions must be answered. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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June 17, 2024


210 S Winchester Ave, Miles City, MT

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