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Published July 7, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Jackson, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

RFP Technical Questions Deadline Tuesday, June 27th at 4:00 p.m. The Jackson County Intermediate School District (JCISD) hereafter referred to as Customer, is accepting sealed proposals for Access Control, installation, and configuration as defined below. The following scope assumes customer is adding onto its existing Lenel access control system. Card Reader licenses will be provided for the project. Please include the number of Lenel door licenses that are needed for the project. Lenel information will be available for winning bidder Each office should have at least 1 lock down button installed. The vendors will be responsible for installing their own pathway from the panel location to the door. The pathway needs to be self-supported and follow all applicable codes for the area. The majority of the building does have drop ceiling in place. Anticipated Date for Board Approval Tuesday, July 18th Anticipated Purchase Order Awarded Friday, July 21st Pathway should not exceed 70% or max fill on any of the enclosed codes or standards whichever is least, on any conduits regardless if it is vendor installed or using something that is already in place. Low voltage permits should be pulled in this project and is the responsibility of the vendor to pull permit as well as ensure that inspections are done in a timely fashion. The Customer reserves the right to reject any and all quotes; to accept portions of bids and alternates in any order or combination; is not obligated to accept the lowest or any RFP; and may waive any informality or irregularity in submittal procedures. JCISD Central Campus 1226 S Wisner St, Jackson, MI 49203




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1226 S Wisner St, Jackson, MI

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