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Published July 25, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Saginaw, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Rehabilitation of Meredith Street with pavement removal, concrete work, earthwork, subbase, aggregate base, curb and gutter, sidewalks, ADA sidewalk ramps, storm sewer, structure adjustments, water main, and restoration. Questions to be directed to Travis J. Hare, P.E. via email engineer@saginaw-mi.com Before 3:00pm - July 3rd, 2023 An additional charge of $ 25.00 will be added to cover the mailing. Checks must be made payable to Treasurer, City of Saginaw, and mailed to the City Engineer, 1315 South Washington Avenue, Saginaw, Michigan 48601. All vendors must meet contract compliance provisions, Title I, Chapter 14, 14.30-14.45, of the Saginaw Code of Ordinances. If you are disabled and need accommodations to provide you with an opportunity to participate, Please call (989) 759-1410. As part of the consideration for this bid, the vendor doing business with the City of Saginaw agrees to have withheld from any payments due them, any amounts for taxes, fees or other charges due the City of Saginaw. The City of Saginaw has an income tax. All successful bidders will be subject to income tax withholdings and compliance is mandatory. Contract amounts totaling $100,000 or more will require a certified check, cashiers check or surety company bid bond in an amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid to be submitted with the bid as security for the acceptance and execution of the contract. The successful bidder on a contract of $50,000.00 or more will be required to furnish surety company bonds as follows: First - A bond in the sum of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price running to the City of Saginaw to insure the construction and completion of the entire work according to proposal and contract. Second - A bond in the sum of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price running to the City of Saginaw for the protection of the subcontractors, labor and material men, according to the statute of the State of Michigan at that time in effect. The City of Saginaw reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, or parts thereof, and to waive any irregularities in the bid except those specifically mentioned in the Sealed Bid Instructions. Bidders are reminded that the City of Saginaw has adopted a Contract Compliance Ordinance which requires that bidders submit documentation concerning their current work force, past employment practices and subscribe to a statement furnished by the City indicating compliance with the Ordinance. The bidder shall thoroughly examine and familiarize himself with the drawings, specifications and all other contract documents. The Contractor by the execution of the contract shall in no way be relieved of any obligation under it due to his failure to receive or examine any form or legal instrument or to visit the site and acquaint himself with the conditions there existing. The City of Saginaw will be justified in rejecting any claim based on facts regarding which he should have been on notice as a result thereof An Original Bid Bond, Bank Money Order, Certified Check or Cashiers Check in the Amount of Five Percent (5%) of the Total Amount Bid Must Be Submitted With Any Bid in Excess of $100,000. The AIA Document A310 - 2010 Bid Bond is the Preferred Format. If Agreement is for Multiple Years, Each Year Should Be Combined to Get Your Total Cost. Facsimiles or Copies of Bid Bond Will Not Be Accepted and Bid Will Be Disqualified if Submitted. All Erasures or Corrections to Pricing Information Must Be Initialed in Ink. If This is a Davis-bacon Prevailing Wage Project It Will Include a Wage Decision and Division 15. The City of Saginaw Does Not Have a Prevailing Wage Ordinance. In Case of a Discrepancy Between a Unit Price and Its Extension, the Unit Price Will Be Considered Correct and the Bid Will Be Recalculated to Determine the Amount Bid. All Addition Errors Will Be Corrected and the Total Bid Will Be Adjusted to Reflect the Corrections. Each Bidders Envelope, Fed Ex Box/letter, Ups Box/letter or Any Other Method of Sealed Delivery Must Have the Bid Number or Contract Number on the Outside of the Container. Unmarked Bids Will Be Disqualified. The City Reserves the Right to Accept or Reject Any and All Bids, or Parts Thereof, and to Waive Any Irregularities Which Do Not Materially Affect the Bid Document or Otherwise Conflict With Statute or Ordinance. Any Rejection of Bids Shall Be Made Only if There is a Sound Documented Reason for Same.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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July 11, 2023

August 14, 2023


Meredith St, Saginaw, MI

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