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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Orleans, Massachusetts. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Town of Orleans seeks proposals from qualified consultants to provide services to update the Orleans Comprehensive Plan consistent with Cape Cod Commission requirements for certification. Questions regarding this RFP should be in writing to the Procurement Director Mihaela Miteva, 19 School Rd, Orleans, MA 02653 or The Planning Board began the OCP process in March 2023 by engaging local boards and committees to review and comment on the goals and policies in the 2006 OCP. The Board intends to evaluate the responses and share its findings with the Consultant. These findings can be used as the initial basis for developing and confirming the Town's Vision through a robust public outreach program. The selected Consultant is expected to complete the following tasks: 1. Create a public engagement plan, maximizing community involvement by providing a variety of methods of engagement (including opportunities for Town department input). Use of a Town-wide, direct mail survey is preferred as one component of the engagement plan. Conduct public events and other elements in the engagement strategy, including charettes, other surveys, and visioning exercises. 2. Facilitate Planning Board discussion to reach a consensus on a Community Vision. Prepare Vision Statement, Growth Policy, and Goals Conforming to CCC regulations. 3. Inventory existing conditions, key issues and needs as developed through the public process and as supplemented by discussion with Town departments and available resources. Prepare Existing Conditions narrative conforming to CCC regulations. 4. Identify capital facilities and infrastructure projects needed to support growth or redevelopment in areas identified by the community as appropriate. Prepare Capital Facilities Plan conforming to CCC Regulations. 5. Address Housing Plan element of OCP utilizing existing Community Housing Needs Study and 2023 update (to be completed by others), supplemented as determined necessary through OCP process. 6. Address Economic Development Plan element utilizing the 2022 Orleans Economic Development Plan, consistent with the Vision Statement and Growth Policy, as well as CCC's Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and Regional Policy Plan. 7. Summarize buildout analysis findings and implications. 8. Prepare Targeted Action Plan and Schedule conforming to CCC regulations, including identification of zoning/bylaw changes supporting the community's vision, growth, policy, and goals. 9. Identify Performance Measures to track the Town's progress towards achieving its vision and goals, conforming to CCC regulations.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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July 31, 2024


Multiple Locations, Orleans, MA

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