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Published August 29, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a conference / convention center in Crown Point, Indiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a conference / convention center.

https://www.insideindianabusiness.com/articles/lake-county-eyeing-convention-center-with-state-help CROWN POINT, Ind. - Lake County is continuing to explore the possibility of building a new regional convention center. The Lake County Board of Commissioners decided unanimously to scope out and hire a consultant to help with specifications in line with such a development, according to our partners at the Times of Northwest Indiana. This development means local leaders are taking advantage of a new state law encouraging convention and event center development. Last legislative session's Senate Enrolled Act 434 requires county commissioners to solicit convention center and potential hotel proposals through May 31, 2024. Afterward, the board will hold public meetings to vet the proposals with an initial decision needing to be made before Dec. 1, 2024. The state said it would assist the project with funds up to $5 million a year if it was matched by the convention center's host community or another entity that would fund and operate it. The money would stem from the estimated $18 million a year the Hard Rock Casino Northern Indiana in Gary will pay the state each year starting in 2025. The Lake County Council can also raise the county innkeepers tax from 5% to up to 10%. Story Continues Below No destination for this development has been established. The publication reported the process will likely overlap with a mandatory feasibility study meant to evaluate if such a center is needed. However, Commissioner Mike Repay, D-Hammond, said he is confident the study will inform proposals. Officials have supported the idea of a convention center for several years. In 2018, a study commissioned by the Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority suggested such a venue would bring in $400 million to the local economy and more than $44 million in local and state tax revenue over the next 20 years. But the new study, also to be led by the RDA, would focus on the dynamics of a convention center post-pandemic. ______________________ surety company or a certified check or bank draft, payable to the Board of Commissioners of Lake County Government, in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) The successful Bidder, within ten (10) days of acceptance of bids, will be required to execute a performance bond requiring one hundred percent (100%) performance and one hundred percent (100%) labor and material payment, and a two (2) year Maintenance Bond in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of the contract amount prior to completion and final payment of the contract Bonds shall be maintained in accordance with IC 36-1- 12-13.1 and 36-1-12-14. Bonds shall be in full force and effect for a period of at least 12 months after the date of final completion of the Contract. Should the contractor's bonding company give notice of cancellation The successful bidder is required to comply with Lake County's Responsible Bidder Ordinance. The Lake County Government Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informalities in bidding, or to return unopened any proposal received after the time fixed herein. No Base Bid or Alternates shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days, subsequent to the opening of bids. This specification covers the abatement of exposure to asbestos hazards from building structures and components. The scope of work includes the following abatement activities at the Lake County Government Center Building, 2293 North Main Street , in Crown Point, IN 46307. a. Base Bid: 3 rd Floor Planning Offices, Surveyors Offices, and Adjacent Hallway - Remove the following materials using wet gross removal techniques in a negative-pressure work containment: floor leveling compound and asbestos containing floor tile mastic from the Phase 2 work area denoted as "Drainage Department" and "Conference Room" on Figure 2. b. Base Bid: 3 rd Floor Planning Offices, Surveyors Offices, and Adjacent Hallway - Phase 1, 3, 4, and 5 work areas. Remove carpet over floor tiled areas where present. Carpet with adhered floor tile will be disposed of as asbestos containing waste. Remove floor tile and asbestos containing floor tile mastic from the remaining work areas, illustrated on Figures 1, 2, and 3, using heat and chemical (non-friable) abatement methods within a regulated work area. Treat floors where mastic has been chemically removed with an appropriate chemical/solvent neutralizing agent following clearance air testing. c. Abatement of the Phase 1 work area will be completed in 5 days or less Abatement of the Phase 2 work area will be completed in 10 days or less Abatement of the Phase 1 work area will be completed in 5 days or less Abatement of the Phase 1 work area will be completed in 5 days or less Abatement of the Phase 1 work area will be completed in 5 days or less


Conference / Convention Centers


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2293 N Main St, Crown Point, IN

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