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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) issued by the Kenosha Unified School District (the District), is to acquire proposals from qualified firms/individuals for Athletic Training services at district high schools. The District will negotiate and administer the contract or agreement on behalf of all schools and departments of KUSD and will make any payments due under such an agreement or contract. The District may elect to award more than one contract or agreement or to select multiple vendors as a result of this RFP process. The District may elect to purchase some services from one vendor, and/or other services from another vendor. Any such decision shall be at the sole determination of the District. The requirements, provisions, and terms and conditions included in the RFP document will apply to any contract or agreement awarded as a result of this RFP and is the terms and conditions upon which the District will base negotiations. The Request for Proposal does not guarantee a purchase will be made. Inquiries Deadline :07/08/2023 Please include the entire bid package as your response, including the signed cover sheet and your companies W9, with an authorized signature. Responses received without the signature of a bidders authorized agent on the cover sheet will be considered a nonresponsive offer and will not be considered. Send one original, one copy, and one electronic copy (CD or flash drive) of your RFP response in the sealed envelope. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure that proposals arrive to the specified location by the deadline for proposal submission. Late proposals may be accepted if it can be ascertained beyond a reasonable doubt that the circumstances, which caused the proposal to be late, were beyond the bidder's control and that the proposal was submitted without prior knowledge of the contents of competing proposals. The acceptance of late proposals will be at the discretionary authority of the Purchasing Agent Late proposals may be accepted if it can be ascertained beyond a reasonable doubt that the circumstances, which caused the proposal to be late, were beyond the bidders control and that the proposal was submitted without prior knowledge of the contents of competing Bidders, or their authorized agents, are invited to be present for the opening; however, no decisions or evaluation will take place - only an acknowledgement of qualifying receipt. If you would like attend the opening, please notify Kristine Upham at (262) 359-7656 or All proposals must be signed to be valid. All proposals must include your companies W9, with an authorized signature. Verbal commitments will NOT be honored. Facsimile or email proposal responses will NOT be accepted. State the terms and conditions of services being quoted. Indicate limitations and liabilities associated with the services and time frame for completion. Bidders must make best efforts to ensure their product/services will not have a negative impact on the environment. Additionally, the awardee of this Request for Proposal will in part be selected based on the bidders ability to meet all Federal and State environmental standards. No item may be canceled, no price changed, once the proposal is received in our office. Orders resulting from this proposal will be considered binding. Awarded vendors will be contacted by letter and will receive a subsequent purchase order. The quantity of materials on the actual purchase order may vary (quantity could be greater than or less than quantity listed on the attached spreadsheet) depending on the Districts estimated student enrollment. Invoicing must be done through the United States Postal Service. Unless otherwise noted, the District is exempt from all and shall not pay or reimburse the successful bidder with respect to any local, state and federal taxes. Bidders with doubt as to the true meaning of any requirements or specifications included in this RFP must submit a written request for clarification to the District personnel listed below: Kristine Upham- Purchasing 3600-52nd Street Kenosha WI 53144 Phone 262-359-6338 Email The Purchasing Agent of the District will work with authorized agents of the District to respond to all inquiries and will render an official response to the question in writing to all bidders. All bidder questions and answers will be publically posted to the districts Purchasing Department . The District shall not be responsible for interpretations and/or responses issued by individuals who are not authorized agents of the Districts Purchasing or Athletics Departments. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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January 12, 2024


Multiple Locations, Kenosha, WI

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