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Published July 20, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a multi-residential development.

Furnish labor, material and service necessary to remove/replace roof at 3234 North Julia Street, Milwaukee, WI 53210, as per the following scope: Contractors shall perform work in accordance with all lead and asbestos removing procedures including, but not limited to, the containment and removal of materials on the ground. Kelly Duncan at 414-286-5797 or Kelly.Duncan@hacm.org - Scattered Sites Manager 1. Safeguard property from falling objects coming from the roof. 2. Remove existing shingles, drip edge, de-icing systems, vents and any damaged or rotted roof sheathing and/or deck board on house. 3. Re-sheet roof with 4'X8'x7/16" OSB 4. Dispose of any cable lines, antenna and satellite dishes, etc. 5. Install new gutter apron in guttered areas and new drip edge on eaves as applicable. Space Gutter apron to receive gutter behind the flashing, or install gutter when installing gutter apron flashing. 6. Install new 3' wide ice and water shield at base of roof covering gutter apron on roof. Install 18" wide ice and water shield on eaves covering top of drip edge flashing. 7. Install engineered roof barrier/membrane. GAF Shingle Mate or equivalent compatible with chosen roofing system. 8. Install starter strips at base of roof and roof eaves. Step flashing (4x4x8 galvanized) should be used at all edges, chimneys and where else applicable. Note: flashing shall be installed under the shingles. All joints must be fitted tightly, accurately, and strapped securely to house and garage. Not to secure roof straps on shingles. 9. Install ridge vent. CertainTeed 12" Filtered Exhaust Vent or approved equivalent compatible with roofing system. Seal openings from any prior venting. Use manufacturer supplied cap shingles of matching color to dimensional shingles for ridge caps. Any exposed nail heads to be covered with roof caulk or tar. 10. Install new lead vent stack covers for all existing plumbing roof vents. 11. Install 30-year dimensional shingles GAF NATURAL SHADOW, or approved equivalent. PROJECT MANAGER MUST APPROVE THE COLOR BEFORE INSTALLATION. Contractor shall use a minimum of 4 nails per shingle; nails to be sufficient in length to secure shingle, and install at a 90- degree angle to surface. Installation to follow manufacturers guidelines. 12. Provide minimum 30-year manufacturers' warranty on installed roofing system.

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3234 N Julia St, Milwaukee, WI

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