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Published July 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a museum in Woodland Park, Colorado. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a museum.

Reference Number 0000305942 The City of Woodland Park would like to request proposals for Engineering Design and installation for a Fire Suppression System at the Historic Ute Pass Cultural Center at 210 E Midland Ave in Woodland Park, CO. The target is for construction in 2023. Please see the following scope of work for this project: Provide an NFPA-13, most current Edition, NICET III design analysis, engineer review for an interior automatic fire sprinkler system design concept for the existing facility based on the 1995 as built drawings, local water flow test and site survey. Sprinkler system design will include protection of combustible concealed spaces as required by the most current edition of NFPA 13. Include 100% AutoCAD and pdf drawings with riser diagram, pipe and head layout. Provide support for preliminary and final design presentations. Assumes water source by owner and must meet fire sprinkler system demands. All civil utilities or fire line underground piping, excavation, cistern, fire hydrant main loop design will be designed by the City On Call Engineering firm and installed by City Contractor or City Crews. Coordination of the design will be required by selected firm. Dept. of Public Works / Woodland Park has hired a firm to design an HVAC system in the same building/area. The selected fire suppression design firm will need to coordinate with the HVAC design team to develop plans in accordance with the HVAC design. 100% plans for the HVAC design are included as attments to this solicitation for reference. The drawings indicate the facility has an existing fire alarm system throughout and a design analysis of the existing fire alarm system should be included in the fee. At a minimum this will include tying in new flow switches, tamper switches, and exterior horn/strobe to the existing fire alarm system. In addition, any new HVAC units over 2,000 CFM will have duct detectors that are required to be tied into the fire alarm system. All fire alarm work is to be performed per the latest edition of NFPA 72. Fire alarm contractor shall be licensed through PPRBD. Access above exiting ceilings and within existing walls is going to be required for sprinkler and other MEP installations. Based on the age of the building cutting this access may involve abatement for lead or asbestos. The general contractor will need to carry a certain amount of money for cutting, patching, and re-painting these areas of access. Question Acceptance Deadline 07/31/2023 at 5:00 PM MT Questions are submitted online Yes Job Location 210 E Midland Avenue, Woodland Park, CO General Requirements - Bid Deposit Required - Contractors License Required - Installation Required - Insurance Required - License Required - Warranty Information Required




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August 5, 2024


210 E Midland Ave, Woodland Park, CO

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