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Published August 23, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Libertyville, Illinois. Completed plans call for the renovation of a swimming pool.

Adler Park Dive & Plunge Pool Caulking & Painting Work shall be made only on the blank Contract form attached to this Request for Contract and shall be complete with a price for each and every item named in the Schedule of Prices section of the Contract form. All proposals must be signed by an authorized official. Proposals that contain omissions, erasures, alterations, or additions not called for, conditional or alternate bids unless called for, or that contain irregularities of any kind may be rejected. Owner reserves the right to make clarifications, corrections, or changes in this Request for Contract at any time prior to the time proposals are opened. All bidders or prospective bidders will be informed of said clarifications, corrections, or changes. Owner reserves the right to accept the proposal that is, in its judgment, the best and most favorable to the interests of Owner and to the public; to reject the low price proposal; to accept any item of any proposal; to reject any and all proposals; and to waive irregularities and informalities in any proposal submitted or in the request for proposal process; provided, however, the waiver of any prior defect or informality shall not be considered a waiver of any future or similar defect or informality. Bidders should not rely upon, or anticipate, such waivers in submitting their proposal. Any questions relating to the bid specifications, please contact David Thornborough, Superintendent of Public Works at 847-918-2076 or dthornborough@libertyville.com. Location: Adler Pool - 1500 N. Milwaukee Ave, Libertyville IL 60048 Project Start date: After September 5, 2023 Project Finish Date: November 10, 2023 or before temperatures fall below 45 o F. Project Goal: Abrasive blast, patch, caulk & paint Dive Well & Shallow Plunge Pool Specifications and basic description of work: Abrasive brush blast walls and floor of Deep Dive & Shallow Plunge Pools; Skim coat and patch walls, imperfections, cove and floor with TNEMEC MORTARCLAD SERIES 218 surface filler. Paint per below specifications. Dive Dive Pool: o Abrasive brush blast clean all painted surfaces to remove any delaminating paint. Do a full blast removal of existing paint on the 12" below the gutter on the entire perimeter of this pool. Also blast remove paint on the slope floor where paint failure is occurring along with a full blast clean of the cracks on the pool floor. o Protect and cover all floor drains, gutter drains, escutcheons and stainless steel during blasting/cleaning operations. o Remove and replace with new, all failed gutter sealant. o Clean up all spent abrasive and debris and properly dispose of off-site. A contractor supplied roll off dumpster can be located on-site. o Apply a TSP (Tri Sodium Phosphate) solution with scrub brushes to all surfaces and pressure wash rinse clean. o Patch holes and cracks with Tnemec Mortarclad Series 218. o Spot prime all bare concrete, patches and cracks with Tnemec N69F White. o Roller apply two full coats of Tnemec N69F White - Pool (P001) to all walls and floors. Shallow Plunge Pool: Brush blast all surfaces. Wash, patch, and paint in the same manner as above. Additionally for this pool: o A non-slip finish shall be applied to the stairs and floor. o Steps to be painted with an accent color stripe 2" across the treads and 2" on the top edge of the risers with Tnemec N69F Safety Red-Pool (P276) o Gutter sealant lineal feet not to exceed 300 feet o Contractor to field verify dimensions. References: Contractor must provide 3 Municipal and or commercial references with projects of similar scope from the last 7 years.


Swimming Pools


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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August 8, 2023

September 5, 2023


1500 N Milwaukee Ave, Libertyville, IL

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